An attempt at capturing the remaining work to (approximately) complete the transition of Fermi software as we approach the end of the original 10-yr mission goal.


Code Development

Python 3Enable flags for swigAlex 
Unit Test OverhaulSeparate flyweight and integration tests. Improve reporting.   


Build Products Production

Expose binary artifacts (externals, ST, GR, containers) via httpsWe need to have an general endpoint for binary artifacts in NFS/GPFS. Some part of that endpoint should be structured so that artifacts can be downloaded according to parameters such as artifact name, artifact version, and architecture. Compilation flags may be another parameter.Brian   
Organize on-disk representation of artifacts (externals,GR,containers, ST?)Related to exposing the binary artifacts, we want to organize on-disk artifacts in a similar way, but unpacked in NFS/GPFS. This structure will be replicated to AFS and CVMFS for mounting in via containers, which is optimal for use in the batch system and login nodes.    
GlastRelease ContainersFor GlastRelease, the previous on-disk representation of artifacts (available via cvmfs and afs), coupled with a lightly-modified centos6 container, should be adequate for L1 and simulations to use in production. It may be desired to have a "fat" container built with docker for use. We should get the build process for the lightly-modified centos6 container in Jenkins (a job separate from GR/ST builds)    
ScienceTools ContainersIt's not apparent that we need ScienceTools Singularity container in the same way we want a GR container, though it may be desirable. We probably do want a "fat" docker container which is built via Conda.    
conda (ScienceTools) - mac buildsfermitools now builds on MacOS Sierra.  Next steps are to create a Jenkins environment for CI, Hire mac hosting service. Alex & Joe  
conda (ScienceTools) - user test bugsFixes for issues found in Validation testing.Joe & Alex & FSSC 
conda (ScienceTools) - linux buildsFermitools builds on Linux. Now we must create a docker container and Jenkins pipeline to build and test the tools.Alex 
conda (ScienceTools) - MacOS buildsFermitools builds on MacOS. Now we must create a vagrant virtual machine and Jenkins pipeline to build and test the tools.Alex  


Mac OS Support

 set up lease of servers     

Using Containers in L1 and Simulations



Operating L1 etc


 cleanup documentation  TomS, Warren 
 L1 GR branch builds Heather   
Get Jenkins to clean up workspace for new buildsAn L1 build may follow a master build and it's not clear what is being rebuilt - some build products are re-used across builds.Brian  
Fill ISOC SVN repository documentationA lot of the ISOC software is held in a SVN repository.  We need documentation on the packages contained there including a description, where it gets install, who maintains it, and whether or not the repository and code in production are synced.Steve T., Tom S., others?  



Find home or discard old Workbook contentMove content to GitHub or ConfluenceHeather   
Document release process in GitHub Brian   
Conda Tools DocumentationInstructions for users on installing the conda version of the ToolsJoe A.  


Unresolved ScienceTools JIRA Issues

 Joe AsercionJoe Asercion

Ongoing until first conda release

STGEN-184 Alex ReustleAlex Reustle

Stays open (no work requested yet)

STGEN-183 Joe AsercionJoe Asercion
STGEN-182 Joe AsercionJoe Asercion
STGEN-181 Alex ReustleAlex Reustle Reassigned to Eric. Alex needs to update comment with his progress
STGEN-180 Alex ReustleJoe Asercion Ongoing until first conda release
STGEN-179 Joe AsercionJoe Asercion

Toby says he does not see the FIXME comment and has no idea what I'm referencing. Elizabeth said she would get in touch with him.

STGEN-178 Joe AsercionJoe Asercion
STGEN-176 Alex ReustleAlex Reustle
STGEN-175 Joe AsercionJoe Asercion
STGEN-174 Joe AsercionAlex Reustle

Assigned to Joe E. He has confirmed this is still happening but it is sporadic.
Will defer to him/Alex/Elizabeth with regards to what they want to do to fix this.
Reassigned to Alex, as he is most familiar with gtorbsim

STGEN-173 Joe AsercionJoe Asercion

STGEN-172 Joe AsercionNicola Omodei Double check models still work, close if no action needed
STGEN-169 Joe AsercionJoe Asercion
STGEN-168 Joe AsercionJoe Asercion
STGEN-167 Joe AsercionJoe Asercion
STGEN-166 Jean BalletToby Burnett
STGEN-165 Regina CaputoMaria Elena Monzani Reassign to Giacomo, he will work on this (COULDN'T FIND GIACOMO IN JIRA)
STGEN-162 Heather KellyHeather Kelly Waiting on Joanne to respond
STGEN-161 Matthew WoodToby Burnett
STGEN-155 Giacomo VianelloToby Burnett Assigned to Brian
STGEN-152 Jim ChiangJim Chiang Assigned to Joe
STGEN-149 Giacomo VianelloJim Chiang

Issue was not present when investigating the current version of ModelEditor that is released with the ST. Closed

STGEN-145 Jean BalletJoanne BogartWaiting on Joanne to respond
STGEN-144 Matt WoodJim ChiangLeave with Jim
STGEN-138 Jim ChiangStephen FeganAssigned to Alex
STGEN-135 Jean BalletStephen FeganAssigned to Elizabeth
STGEN-127 Vlasios VasileiouJim ChiangDocumentation update, assigned to Elizabeth. Joe will look into phibins=0=1 behavior code update
STGEN-124 David LandriuJames PeacheyThis is not currently implemented. I can modify tip to do so, if requested ~ Joe A
STGEN-122 Jim ChiangJames PeacheySwitched to CALDB. Closed
STGEN-115 Giacomo VianelloJames PeacheyClosed (Chris' recommendation)
STGEN-111 Jean BalletToby BurnettIgnore for now
STGEN-110 Jim ChiangToby BurnettAssign to Joe A, double check to see if lines were changed per Jim's comment (ASSIGNED TO JOE A)
STGEN-108 Tom GlanzmanJames PeacheyOk to close out and reopen if it becomes an issue again (CLOSED BY TOM G)
STGEN-107 James PeacheyJames PeacheyJoe E investigated, still happening. Reassigned to Joe A
STGEN-101 Daniel FlathJim ChiangOBE, should be closed (we've changed handling of EVENT_CLASSES (bitmask change) (JOE A CLOSED)
STGEN-98 mazziottaJames PeacheyElizabeth checked. They are set to NULL. Closed issue.
STGEN-94 Jean BalletToby BurnettClosed
STGEN-90 Vlasios VasileiouToby BurnettIgnore for now
STGEN-87 John VernaleoJim ChiangJoe A will verify.
STGEN-82 Vlasios VasileiouJames PeacheyCloseout (CLOSED)
STGEN-62 John VernaleoToby BurnettOBE, should be closed (CLOSED BY JOE A)
STGEN-47 Eric WinterNicola OmodeiJoe A will verify.
STGEN-46 Eric WinterNicola OmodeiJoe A will verify.
STGEN-45 Eric WinterNicola OmodeiJoe A will verify.
STGEN-44 Eric WinterNicola OmodeiJoe A will verify.
STGEN-42 Jim ChiangJim ChiangVerify with Jim the status of this issue