In order for pgpread to read the data, and pgpread needs to run as follows

python scripts/ --enVcMask 0xD --dataDebug 0
./psdaq/build/drp/pgpread -d /dev/datadev_0 -c 1
#or for more recent
#./psdaq/build/drp/pgpread_timetool -d /dev/datadev_0 -c 1 -t -f


install lcls2

git clone



add lcls2-pcie-apps to the lcls2 directory.  This allows one to make changes to the lcls2-pcie-apps code and see the results.  Not part of the production or package deployment process.

cd $TOP/slac-lcls/lcls2/ 
conda activate lcls2daq_ttdev

cd $TOP/lcls2-pcie-apps
python develop --prefix=/u1/sioan/slac-lcls/lcls2/install


to run without pgp read use the following

 python scripts/ --enVcMask 0xff --dataDebug 1


the source file is located in 



and make file is located in 



to build pgpread, navigate to build directory,

conda activate lcls2daq


to create the conda environment from the yaml file.

open up env_create.yaml and change PYTHONVER to 3.7.4.  Not sure where PYTHONVER can be picked up from with manually changing the - python entry it in the yaml file.

also, for timetooldev, rogue-ne needs to be set to "v3.5.0".  The "v" is needed at the beginning.

#create the conda environment
conda env create --name lcls2daq --file relmanage/env_create.yaml
#to use local pcieapps package instead of conda pcieapps
pip uninstall package timetooldev
# and then proceed to use python as described for lcls-pcie-apps.
###don't do this below
#conda remove pcieapps
#but this will also remove libboost and py-bost.  Those dependencies don't get reinstalled with a conda install pcieapps.  Instead, need to manually reinstall them.
#conda install -c anaconda libboost
#conda install -c anaconda py-boost



the cmakelist is located in 

conda activate lcls2daq



instructions for creating a conda package

conda activate lcls2daq
conda install -c anaconda anaconda-client
conda install conda-build
conda build /u1/sioan/slac-lcls/relmanage/recipes/pcieapps/


uploading the conda package

conda install anaconda-client  #only needs to be done once per machine.
anaconda login                 #only needs to be done once a year.  Need to register the account on
anaconda upload -u lcls-ii /u1/sioan/miniconda3/conda-bld/noarch/pcieapps-0.0.1-py_0.tar.bz2 --force