These scripts and log files can be found in ~cpo/problems/crowdstrike/.

First Iteration

Submitted the following script on s3df multiple times (also an identical script with constraint "CrowdStrike_off"):


#SBATCH --partition=roma
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=120
#SBATCH --output=%j.log
#SBATCH --constraint=CrowdStrike_on
#SBATCH --account=lcls:prjdat21

mpirun python
import time
startup_begin = time.time()
from psana import *
import sys

ds = MPIDataSource('exp=mfxl1028222:run=90:smd')
det = Detector('epix10k2M')
for nevt,evt in enumerate(
    calib = det.calib(evt)
    if calib is not None:
    if nevt==0:
        startup_end = time.time()
        start = time.time()
tottime = time.time()-start
print('processed',ngood,tottime,tottime/(ngood-1)) # we ignored first event so 

Ran this to get job runtimes:

sacct -j 42602286,42602287,42602516,42602519,42602573,42602576,42602682,42603207,42696097,42696120,42696193,42696194,42696537,42696539,42696567,42696568,42696605,42696606,42696667,42696670,42696744,42696745,42696794,42696797,42714615,42714616,42714723,42714724,42714996,42714998,42715300,42715302,42715657,42715658,42724310,42724317,42725442,42725447,42730341,42730353,42731038,42731045,42738739,42738750,42739483,42739491,42741266,42741272 --format=elapsedraw,constraint,reqcpus,nodelist,start | grep Crowd

See this output:

       120     CrowdStrike_off      120      sdfrome047 2024-03-22T10:20:21 
       127      CrowdStrike_on      120      sdfrome027 2024-03-22T10:20:23 
       121      CrowdStrike_on      120      sdfrome006 2024-03-22T10:33:34 
       114     CrowdStrike_off      120      sdfrome079 2024-03-22T10:33:36 
       122     CrowdStrike_off      120      sdfrome039 2024-03-22T10:37:38 
        92      CrowdStrike_on      120      sdfrome006 2024-03-22T10:37:39 
       131      CrowdStrike_on      120      sdfrome022 2024-03-22T10:43:11 
       125     CrowdStrike_off      120      sdfrome080 2024-03-22T10:50:08 
       110     CrowdStrike_off      120      sdfrome120 2024-03-25T17:43:20 
       139      CrowdStrike_on      120      sdfrome023 2024-03-25T17:43:29 
        89      CrowdStrike_on      120      sdfrome023 2024-03-25T17:47:06 
       112     CrowdStrike_off      120      sdfrome109 2024-03-25T17:47:08 
       108     CrowdStrike_off      120      sdfrome111 2024-03-25T17:52:35 
       137      CrowdStrike_on      120      sdfrome003 2024-03-25T17:52:40 
        88      CrowdStrike_on      120      sdfrome003 2024-03-25T17:55:22 
        69     CrowdStrike_off      120      sdfrome111 2024-03-25T17:55:30 
        67     CrowdStrike_off      120      sdfrome111 2024-03-25T17:57:47 
        79      CrowdStrike_on      120      sdfrome003 2024-03-25T17:57:47 
        75      CrowdStrike_on      120      sdfrome003 2024-03-25T17:59:37 
        68     CrowdStrike_off      120      sdfrome111 2024-03-25T17:59:39 
       127     CrowdStrike_off      120      sdfrome115 2024-03-25T18:03:19 
       125      CrowdStrike_on      120      sdfrome004 2024-03-25T18:03:22 
        82      CrowdStrike_on      120      sdfrome004 2024-03-25T18:07:34 
       128     CrowdStrike_off      120      sdfrome115 2024-03-25T18:07:34 
       118     CrowdStrike_off      120      sdfrome119 2024-03-26T07:17:31 
       122      CrowdStrike_on      120      sdfrome028 2024-03-26T07:17:38 
       133      CrowdStrike_on      120      sdfrome003 2024-03-26T07:26:39 
        85     CrowdStrike_off      120      sdfrome119 2024-03-26T07:26:39 
       113     CrowdStrike_off      120      sdfrome075 2024-03-26T07:46:04 
       128      CrowdStrike_on      120      sdfrome004 2024-03-26T07:46:06 
       128      CrowdStrike_on      120      sdfrome010 2024-03-26T08:06:06 
       113     CrowdStrike_off      120      sdfrome116 2024-03-26T08:06:08 
       124     CrowdStrike_off      120      sdfrome121 2024-03-26T08:38:10 
       138      CrowdStrike_on      120      sdfrome024 2024-03-26T08:38:12 
       117     CrowdStrike_off      120      sdfrome085 2024-03-26T11:00:23 
       125      CrowdStrike_on      120      sdfrome011 2024-03-26T11:00:25 
       124      CrowdStrike_on      120      sdfrome012 2024-03-26T11:06:10 
       146     CrowdStrike_off      120      sdfrome088 2024-03-26T11:06:12 
       116     CrowdStrike_off      120      sdfrome091 2024-03-26T11:31:02 
       121      CrowdStrike_on      120      sdfrome015 2024-03-26T11:31:05 
        74      CrowdStrike_on      120      sdfrome015 2024-03-26T11:34:28 
        79     CrowdStrike_off      120      sdfrome091 2024-03-26T11:34:29 
       121     CrowdStrike_off      120      sdfrome098 2024-03-26T12:15:02 
       120      CrowdStrike_on      120      sdfrome016 2024-03-26T12:15:04 
        84      CrowdStrike_on      120      sdfrome016 2024-03-26T12:19:06 
        82     CrowdStrike_off      120      sdfrome098 2024-03-26T12:19:08 
       129     CrowdStrike_off      120      sdfrome100 2024-03-26T12:28:32 
       144      CrowdStrike_on      120      sdfrome025 2024-03-26T12:28:34 

Run this analysis script on the above output:

f = open('junk.out','r')
nodes = []
ontimes = []
offtimes = []
for line in f:
    node = fields[3]
    if node in nodes:
        print('skipping duplicate node run to avoid caching issues:',node)
    on = 'on' in fields[1]
    time = int(fields[0])
    if on:
import numpy as np
mean = []
err_on_mean = []
for times in [offtimes,ontimes]:
diff_err = np.sqrt(err_on_mean[0]**2+err_on_mean[1]**2)
diff = mean[1]-mean[0]
print('Fractional change:',diff/mean[0],'+-',diff_err/mean[0])
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

See the following output:

(ana-4.0.59-py3) [cpo@sdfiana002 problems]$ python
skipping duplicate node run to avoid caching issues: sdfrome006
skipping duplicate node run to avoid caching issues: sdfrome023
skipping duplicate node run to avoid caching issues: sdfrome003
skipping duplicate node run to avoid caching issues: sdfrome111
skipping duplicate node run to avoid caching issues: sdfrome111
skipping duplicate node run to avoid caching issues: sdfrome003
skipping duplicate node run to avoid caching issues: sdfrome003
skipping duplicate node run to avoid caching issues: sdfrome111
skipping duplicate node run to avoid caching issues: sdfrome004
skipping duplicate node run to avoid caching issues: sdfrome115
skipping duplicate node run to avoid caching issues: sdfrome003
skipping duplicate node run to avoid caching issues: sdfrome119
skipping duplicate node run to avoid caching issues: sdfrome004
skipping duplicate node run to avoid caching issues: sdfrome015
skipping duplicate node run to avoid caching issues: sdfrome091
skipping duplicate node run to avoid caching issues: sdfrome016
skipping duplicate node run to avoid caching issues: sdfrome098
[120, 114, 122, 125, 110, 112, 108, 127, 118, 113, 113, 124, 117, 146, 116, 121]
[127, 121, 131, 139, 137, 125, 122, 128, 138, 125, 124, 121, 120]
Fractional change: 0.07062716926305589 +- 0.023752642242268553

With the following plot:

This suggests we see a (7.1+-2.3)% performance penalty from crowdstrike.

Second Iteration


Add a filesystem-cache-flush command from Yee to try to increase the statistics: 100 jobs of each type (crowdstrike on/off).  Run only one crowdstrike_on job and one crowdstrike_off job at a time to avoid leaning too heavily on the filesystem.  Unfortunately this means all the "on" jobs ran on sdfrome007 (100 jobs)  and all the "off" jobs ran on sdfrome039 (34 jobs) sdfrome037 (25 jobs) sdfrome042 (39 jobs) and sdfrome087 (2 jobs).  The first "on" job time was 133 second (slurm job id 42810224) and the first "off" job time was 119 seconds.  This looks pretty consistent with the distribution of all job times (see plot below) suggesting that data caching wasn't a bit effect since adding Yee's cache-flush command (previously some jobs ran as quickly at 90 seconds). 

Code and Results

for i in $(seq 1 100);


#SBATCH --dependency=singleton
#SBATCH --job-name=cson
#SBATCH --partition=roma
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=120
#SBATCH --output=%j.log
#SBATCH --constraint=CrowdStrike_on
#SBATCH --account=lcls:prjdat21

echo "***cson " `hostname`
time mpirun python

import time
startup_begin = time.time()
from psana import *
import sys

ds = MPIDataSource('exp=mfxl1028222:run=90:smd')
det = Detector('epix10k2M')
for nevt,evt in enumerate(
    calib = det.calib(evt)
    if calib is not None:
    if nevt==0:
        startup_end = time.time()
        start = time.time()
tottime = time.time()-start
#print('processed',ngood,tottime,tottime/(ngood-1)) # we ignored first event so
import glob
logs = glob.glob('iter2/*.log')
logs.sort() # put them in time order
nodes = []
ontimes = []
offtimes = []
onnodes = []
offnodes = []

def nodecount(nodelist):
    uniquenodes = set(nodelist)
    for n in uniquenodes:

for log in logs:
    f = open(log,'r')
    on = False
    for line in f:
        if '***' in line:
            if 'cson' in line:
            node = line.split()[1]
        if 'real' in line:
            timestr = line.split()[1]
            hours_minutes = timestr.split('m')
            minutes = float(hours_minutes[0])
            seconds = float(hours_minutes[1][:-1])
            time = minutes*60+seconds
    #if node in nodes:
    #    print('skipping duplicate node',node)
    #    continue
    if on:
import numpy as np
mean = []
err_on_mean = []
for times in [offtimes,ontimes]:
diff_err = np.sqrt(err_on_mean[0]**2+err_on_mean[1]**2)
diff = mean[1]-mean[0]
print('*** offnodes job count:')
print('*** onnodes job count:')
print('Fractional change:',diff/mean[0],'+-',diff_err/mean[0])
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


*** offnodes job count:
sdfrome039 34
sdfrome087 2
sdfrome037 25
sdfrome042 39
*** onnodes job count:
sdfrome007 100
Fractional change: 0.15766088705149858 +- 0.01466574691536575

Third Iteration

*** offnodes job count:
sdfrome035 14
sdfrome114 35
sdfrome087 6
sdfrome042 42
sdfrome073 1
sdfrome036 2
*** onnodes job count:
sdfrome019 34
sdfrome004 2
sdfrome021 64
Fractional change: 0.2588939230105063 +- 0.016541549294602324

Fourth Iteration

*** offnodes job count:
sdfrome042 48
sdfrome043 14
sdfrome111 1
sdfrome039 27
sdfrome086 10
*** onnodes job count:
sdfrome016 100
Fractional change: 0.2359417044882193 +- 0.015870310667490246

Update 2024-09-15

We repeated the test on roma partition, 105 iterations each with constraint Crowdstrike_on/Crowdstrike_off alternating. This test was performed during a period of low utilization of the rome partition with no competing network or storage contention.

Measured runtime for psana analysis of mfxl1028222 run=29:smd on exclusive node with 120 cores.

Note: the previous measurements were done with run=90:smd. We chose run=29:smd, because it has more events and therefore takes longer, minimizing effects related to job startup.

Fractional change: 0.24461288024797354 +- 0.001079561972505891

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