Only the users specified by the proposal spokesperson in the beam time support request, who do not already have an existing SLAC personal UNIX account, can obtain a UNIX account. These users can apply for a UNIX account through the User Portal: select 'User Information', from the top menu select 'My Account', scroll down to the section 'LCLS Unix Account' and click on 'Request Unix Account'. All persons using SLAC computer accounts are responsible for:
Your UNIX account must be enabled in the LCLS system in order to have access to data and elog. This happens automatically if your account is created with XU as its primary group. By default all accounts created with the URAWI user portal are XU accounts. If your primary UNIX group is not XU, you can make a request of enabling your account in the LCLS system by sending an email to PCDS Help.
Once you have your UNIX account, the proposal spokesperson must add the user’s UNIX account to the group of their experiment, through the eLog. Being a member of an experiment group allows the user to access the experiments eLog and its data and data directories. The file access is controlled by access control lists (ACL). In general, an account can be member of multiple experimental groups.
| Step 1: User Portal / Proposals | Step 2: Computer Accounts | Step 3: Data Collection & Analysis |
Need to: | Add a collaborator on the Beam Time Support Request | Get a SLAC UNIX Account | Access elog and data |
Actions to take: |
Possible issues & solutions: |
For help, contact: |
Shared Accounts will be created only if requested by the spokesperson. These types of accounts can only be used to access the logbook and to copy the experimental data to the home institution or to an external device. In particular, these accounts don't allow data analysis using SLAC computing resources. A personal UNIX account is required for that purpose. Send an email to PCDS Help to request a shared account. The shared account has the same name as the experimental group.
The proposal spokesperson or their designated contact must acknowledge agreement with the conditions specified in the Use of SLAC Information Resources Acknowledgement-Addendum in order to establish a Shared Account for this experiment.
The Proposal Spokesperson who is the custodian of a shared account MUST: