Use this If you are wanting to add a PV or check that a PV is being saved to the data stream

Step-by-step guide

This assumes that PV has been created and you can access this variable in DAQ. This example walks through adding, for example, the pressure readback of an HPLC pump from the SDS controls system.

  1. Open terminal from the mfx-daq machine
  2. go to the daqcontrol directory

    cd daqcontrol/misc

    you should now be in
    /reg/neh/operator/mfxopr/daqconfig/misc or /cds/home/opr/mfxopr/daqconfig/misc

The files saved into the daq are stored in the epicsArch.txt file. This file calls the other text files, for cleanliness. Each "sub-text" file, such as epicsArch_sds.txt contains the alias in the data stream and the corresponding PV.

current epicsArch.txt is recording beamline and sequencer data,  but we are not using the ePix10K or SMB setup and so these values are commented out.


logbook.txt show the variables that post in the logbook. Notice that ...LBLepics.txt is commented out in epicsArch.txt but it is  not in the logbook.txt file. So we are not recording in the data and it will likely not show in the logbook, or show as empty or null variables. On the other hand, ...sds.txt is being recorded, since it is not commented in the epicsArch.txt file; however, it will not show up the in the elog since it is not in the logbook.txt file.

simply add to the file:

< epicsArch_MFX_sds.txt

or any other "sub-text" file that needs to be added.

 Looking at the epicsArch_MFX_sds.txt file

You can see the files commented out at the top. These are  no longer deployed and so the daq throws out errors. The daq will still record though.

The syntax is an asterisk precedes the alias name for the data in the XTC file. Below the alias is the EPICS PV name you want recorded.

If you place multiple aliases with the same name before the first underscore, then the DAQ will sort these into the same dropdown menu. For example, laserfs_T_phase, laserfs_TT_amp, and laserfs_atm will all be added to a dropdown menu labeled "laserfs" in the PV list. Dropdown menus can be nested within other dropdown menus by creating aliases with the same name before the next underscore.

Restart the DAQ after editing the PVs.