
MEC scheduling is done through Gmail calendars to allow compatibility with the LCLS gateway. To more easily access information of the various units operating at MEC (Laser, ECS, Area Management, Operation, ...), the calendar is split in distinctive calendars dedicated to their function. Accessing all these calendar is necessary to understand quickly wheter or not the MEC hutch can be accessed. This procedure shows how to integrate these various calendars for yourself.

Existing MEC calendars and their roles (04/15/2022)


The links in the calendar name column will attempt to add the calendar to whatever google account you're logged into. If you are logged into your Stanford google account, it will fail because our Stanford accounts don't have access to calendars. Log into the account that you use to view calendars. 
Calendar nameDescription
MEC Operations
Provides day to day activities linked to experiment preparation. 

Provides server downtimes/network maintenance which can impact operation as well as all ECS related work from external workers from MEC.
MEC Internal
Schedule items that don't belong on the Ops calendar
MEC Laser
Schedule dedicated for the laser tasks. This schedule will displays whether or not the Hutch will be in CLASS 1 or CLASS 4, or SPLIT mode.
MEC Maintenance
Schedule providing dates and time for the maintenance activities which will impact the operation.
MEC Relevant Events
Conferences workshops and other events to have show up on the calendar.
MEC Travel and Vacation
Schedule aimed at capturing time off period for the staff.
MEC exp calendar
Official and up to date LCLS schedule for MEC experiment. It is the one ACR sees and contains more details info about PoC and photon energies/FEL mode of operation.
MEC ToursCalendar dedicated to all tours happening in the hutch. To be shared with LCLS operation.


You need to have a gmail account (we will call use name@gmail.com for the rest of the document as an example). This account will be used to share the various calendars within the application you use on your computer. This email address will also allow you to modify the calendar directly in the application you use. Other methods onlly capture a snapshot of what the events in the calendar so in addition to not be able to change the content, you will not see the updates made by others. Only the MEC exp calendar is read only and need to be subscribed to (not just imported). This needs to be done within your gmail account, but will give you the access to the LCLS official calendar within the application you use to check your calendar.

Procedure for Mac Computers using Outlook

  1. Add the MEC exp calendar to your Google Calendar account:
    1. Login with your Google Account (from the Google homepage for example)
    2. Navigate to the LCLS Gateway page here.
    3. Click on the '+' button at the bottom left of the page near the text 'Google Calendar':
    4. If you are redirected to a page displaying a message saying 'We are sorry, but you do not have access to Google Calendar. Please contact your Organization Administrator for access.', then it likely means you are not connected with your google account. Click on the link displayed in the page asking you to connect to the right account.
    5. Once successfully done, you will be send to the Google Calendar web application, with the available LCLS calendars:
    6. Select the calendar you want to import (MD-FEES and MD-FEEH display the MD shifts, while PAMM shows the schedule for the maintenance times of the facility).
    7. Click on 'Add all' to add the selected calendars and wait for them so show up on the left column.
    8. You now have access to the LCLS gateway calendars within your gamil account as a read only.
  2. To add the MEC specific calendars, from the table of available calendar detailed above (expect MEC exp calendar since you already added in the steps above), send an email to Eric Galtier, Hae Ja Lee, Bob Nagler or Gilliss Dyer with the list of calendars you want to access. Add the email address you want to use for sharing the calendars. They will add your gmail address to the sharing authorization of the relevant calendars.
  3. To add these new calendars in Outlook, as well as the LCLS gateway, in Outlook, start by adding the Gamil account you want to use. Click on the '+' in the bottom left corener of the 'Account' menu entry in 'Outlook > Preferences':
  4. The calendar page of Outlook wil display your account and all calendar currently being shared with you.
  5. Your calendar page in Outlook should look like this after letting a few minutes to the software to important the calendars associated to your account (see red rectangle showing the imported accounts):
  6. You can change the color of each calendar (click on the three dots on the right side of the correspodning calendar) and decide to show it or not (just unclick on the radio button on the left side of the calendar's name).
  7. You now have access to the MEC calendars in Outlook.
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