


Text in the excerpt box will show up in lists of meetings.

Discussion items


Bob Nagler No real concern about offset of an in chamber KB mirror if we already have a 3 cm interaction region worth of flexibility

Luke B. Fletcher will track down people at the IFSA meeting, including Felicie for reading over the content. Visuals- no one has brought anything up. There is a figure from another paper that's probably adequate, but this needs feedback. Gianluca sent out a memo for what one of his students is working on but may not want to included in a white paper.

Khaghani, Dimitri to look to present ELI and detector experience to include engineers. Possibly in this meeting time.

Places to have sattelite workshops

  • Gordon conference: FEL or materials under compression? Does MEC-U fit in? Usually science rather than facility but good community
    • In FEL workshop people from all over with various methods and expertise on FELs that could bring new FEL measurements (are any of these compatible with HEDLP experiments)
  • If we did our own - think at least 6 months in advance. April or later.  What if we said we wanted one in May?

Going back to 3-omega case: will pull together UAP on this.

Action items

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