


Text in the excerpt box will show up in lists of meetings.FAC debrief, whitepaper, diagnostic priority/SOS

Discussion items

  • SP lasers being classified as accelerators - RISK?
  • From FAC: Access to SLIM: implies changing position of diagnostics and change of coverage. Means that we're re-evaluating requirements. 
  • Control room in a clean area - flexible requirements like preference not to have to control in a clean environment.

White paper for science case of IFE on MEC-U

White paper ~ 10-20 pages (question) with UAP and additional contributors

  1. Joseph Smidt is already in agreement
  2. People
    1. Dustin Froula at LLE
    2. Valeri Goncharov (UR/LLE)
    3. Prav Patel
    4. Steve McClaren - LLNL
    5. Nathan Reisen - LLNL
  3. Radiation cascade, basic science
  4. Not doing component qualification
  5. Technology side that would be really important
  6. Diamond melt curve
  7. Three to four subcommittees - managed by UAP
    1. Materials damage studies (damage cascades)
      1. Mianzhen
    2. Ablator physics (large scale)
      1. Carolyn Kuranz
      2. S. Tracy
    3. Fundamental physics in IFE-relevant plasmas
    4. Technology development (e.g. 10 Hz plasma science)
    5. High intensity LMI related to FI applications ? 

Like with BLI we could have UAP members suggest an experiment in IFE e.g. with a quad chart


This is just to remind us that MIE could be a way to get major projects and realize "MEC SI" projects.  Talked about this in previous meeting

More generally, good idea to get prioritized list of diagnostics. Consider a living document - probably a spreadsheet is fine. Also a science oriented gantt chart

  • See the SOS drafted by Kai
    • "While this is down the road it's worth thinking about now."  Ranking by various criteria
      • E.g. SAXS is easier to install and use than IXS but perhaps the latter is more important
    • Ranking by how we'd phase our activities
      • E.g. demonstration> commissioning > early science > first standard configurations > Users
      • Demonstration of capabilities diagnostics (consider some optical only experiments early)
        • Thomson Parabola
          • Demonstrates 
        • VISAR
          • Demonstrates pressure and uniformity on target
        • Transmission spectrometer
          • Demonstrates spectrum / bandwidth
        • WAXS (quadrant)
          • Demonstrates X-ray detectors, timing and pointing of X-rays
          • Demonstrates successful measurement at up to 40 keV
        • In-chamber time tool elements (YAG at 45°)
          • Demonstration of timing X-rays to short pulse / spatio-temporal overlap
      • Commissioning diagnostics
        • SAXS
      • Early science diagnostics
      • First standard configurations
      • User science

Action items