


Text in the excerpt box will show up in lists of meetings.Controls questions

Discussion items


From Peregrine McGehee :

On the MEC-U Experiment Controls side we would like to start a discussion about planned (and future scope) SLIM payloads.  Here are a few starting points to consider:

-We do have diagnostic requirements to some level in Jama. We can add to these.

  • Detector specifications including type, data size, and physical interfaces (data/control, power, cooling, etc).
    • WAXS: One per slim of a new version of the ePix10k full format (4 slims total)
    • WAXS future: one per SLIM of same format but Icarus. Power / cooling - try to get Philip's input?
    • epix100 type detectors 
    • Streak cameras, possibly external to a SLIM, 
  • Need for multiple detectors in a given SLIM (e.g. co-located imager and spectrometer).
  • Trigger rates.
    • Single shot to 120 Hz. Everywhere in between
  • Data rates.
    • Single shot to 120 Hz. Everywhere in between
    • Mostly 10 Hz and below

FMEA system (reminder)
Technical integration has an alternative to the risk registry to capture risks that don't directly affect the project itself.
The project risk registry is here. These should be risks to achieving CD-4.
We're more concerned with what happens after. So Kai's team made us an FMEA system. Currently capturing risks and operational cost items in a spreadsheet, here.
  • Currently Eric has a tab. We can all add comments to cells there for Eric's benefit OR
  • If interested enough, get your own tab to work on and directly add brainstorming

Action items

  • Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date