


Text in the excerpt box will show up in lists of meetings.Jackson pointed out the RFI for Fusion Prototypic Neutron Source. The intent is for Oak Ridge to build such a machine but especially for IFE an ultra-intense high repetition rate high average power laser based source could be the answer. Especially when tied to LCLS as in the case of MEC-U

Discussion items

  • Background that came from Alan
    • When the CDR had been in there. Externally they said that they didn't want to use it to support the building of MEC. 
  • Specific argument about pulsed sources.
  • LLNL proposal for IFE beamlet demonstrator: multi-kJ 10 Hz, 10 ns, 10% WPE
    • This is an ideal neutron driver. A thing we can use the system for. Look at duty cycle, etc.
  • Old rotating target neutron source. The original Tron. 4' thick concrete. Rated for such a neutron source
    • building is mothballed

TMU professor "Mike and Ari" MD simulations to model collisional cascades. We don't have a method yet- he was just looking at elastic response of a collisional center. But this is a single event. Very hard. Probably better to have MD simulations. 

Kai Norland - pioneer in colissional cascades. But probably no longer interested. 

Transmutation for long lived damage is the concern. This is completely separate from the cascades

A little bit of helium effect. 

Daniel Clark is the one who put out the RFI

TRL for material damage is the lowest. Chapter 6 is entirely that we have no idea

Post - meeting. Nothing we do directly with MEC-U is likely to be a FPNS. Siegfried's proposal involves post-accelerating with a linac and he thinks he can get peak powers in an unprecedented range. 

Request for Information: Fusion Prototypic Neutron Source

The Office of Science in the Department of Energy invites interested parties to provide input on potential technological approaches to meet the needs of the Fusion Energy Sciences (FES) program for a Fusion Prototypic Neutron Source (FPNS) and on potential ways to accelerate the construction and delivery of such a facility, including partnerships with the private sector.

The demonstration of fusion energy will require mastering materials science and performance issues associated with materials degradation due to bombardment by energetic fusion neutrons. This requirement underscores the critical need for a FPNS, which is aimed at filling this gap and will help enable the development of next-generation, high-performance materials for future fusion devices.

Action items

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