


Text in the excerpt box will show up in lists of meetings.Preparing for Jama and mockup reviews of diagnostics. Preparing for diagnostics review.

Discussion items

  • How we proceed with finding tests that need to be done moving forward in MEC R&D effort
  • Question (Hai-En): Secondary sources in the context of MEC-U
    • A: Basic built-in assumption is up to 10cm separation source-sample, with sample at TCC
    • Specific items
      • electron
        • We are designed to a specific f/# for full energy and there's no straightforward way to go much longer. Certainly nothing in base design.
        • TCO could potentially be dedicated to this kind of experiment for long periods. We've gotten the comment that a 10 Hz 150 J petawatt could be very interesting for LWFA
        • FES considers LWFA an HEP priority and there is no flagship oriented towards this
        • Electron spectrometers for laser-solid interaction are a "subset" of the ion spectrometer discussion; we build into the diagnostics
        • 10cm may not be enough
        • Comment: lower energy and F-number. 1 J, 150 fs. Best is the auxilliary laser system. 
          • Dedication of a section in the hutch to be a class-4 environment for probe/heater beams.
      • ion
        • Have flagships based on
      • gamma
        • Proof-of-concept must exist at Omega
  • Question:  What about particle diagnostics?
    • Thomson spectrometer in WBS has electron spectrometer as built-in option
    • Ion TOF
      • Would need to cover different angles
    • Neutron TOF/scintillator
    • FDI with short pulse laser
      • A variant of the SP probe that hasn't been developed far in concept
    • SOP 
      • This is considered an integrated part of a hypothetical VISAR diagnostic
      • This could constrain the VISAR design with the SOP design: 
    • PDV
      • Ejecta studies
      • Potential for longer timescale
      • Potentially less solid angle taken up.

Action items

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