
Mikael David Martinez 

LaFortune, Kai Nicholas 

Tom Spinka 

Robert Plummer

Justin Galbraith

Reagan, Brendan 

Ginger DeContreras 

Yang, Steven 

Hardin, Corey 

Arnold, Brice

 William E. White 

Alex Wallace 

Evans, Ian Walter 

Cavern Size

Need to hold cavern size iteration in order to allow RRL design to continue.  Justin provided history of layout iterations.  Layout 2, January 2022: Accommodation of stay-clear and design development resulted in 8' N-S extension.  Layout 3, June 2022:  Minor adjustment of Layout 2.  Layout 4 (current): refinement of design and removal of crane, includes spaces for cleanroom air returns.  MM: LRU size?  Based on NIF cart.  MM: Access to compressor vessel may be more accessible during planned downtimes.  BW: Has 3rd dimension been considered?  Stack SP diagnostic table?  TS: Need design development with Diagnostics Table and Beam Dump.  Air plenums - CH:  can be smaller, but something has to be there, e.g. thinner double wall plenum.  Need iteration with Arup.  MM: Being actively worked on between CH and CR.  Action is with CH as soon as they have the green light to work with Arup again.  T&H - in scope.  MM: What does team propose?  JG - layout/acess issues.  Lack of room for beam transport and associated HW on west wall.  MM: new info from Arup - west growth may be possible, but significant add to TPC.  Scope reduction may ben necessary.  TS: Concern that there is currently no space to spare.  BW: Not a new problem - same challenges with LCLS and FEH.  MM: Main concern is west wall, including beam dump.  BW:  Need to push on plenum, so everything can be pushed to east, solving west wall problem.

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