


Discuss Jama reviews and mockups; workshopping with community; UAP meeting

Discussion items

Jama reviews
  • Question on how we use the "basis field".
    • Gilliss Dyer sees this as a place for a citation or brief justification or context.
  • Because engineers and Corey want to make sure that there's a formal review of the mock-ups. At the time of this review, we want to be happy with our requirements. Hence: consistent with mockups.
    • Meeting with engineers to find conflicts.
    • Do this as early as possible, Gilliss Dyer. Early the week after next week of  

Notes from last diagnostic retreat: 

MEC-U science and instrumentation workshop
  • Other sources of planning
    • MEC-U UAP will be tapped to give advice and help organize
    • Arianna may be asked to help organize
  • Ideas on sessions / presentations
    • Separate categories in parallel? (e.g.)
      • dynamic compression
      • strongly coupled plasmas
      • strong field laser plasma interactions
  • Early material to send out before workshop
    • Request for single-slide input
      • Keep consistent with CDR
      • Don't advocate for wholesale change
      • General geometry of target and diagnostic requirements - better to be consistent with CDR
    • Some clever language to get people to open up on needs for their secret experiments
    • Diagnostic mock-ups? (pros and cons of showing ahead)
      • Presented as a preliminary conceptual phase of diagnostic suite
    • What diagnostic is missing? Please make consistent with inserter concept. (possible can of worms)
  • Requests after workshop
    • Targeted commenters request paragraph to page of text
  • Potentially UAP members co-chair sessions
    • Summarize session
    • Also follow-up requests for targeted commenters^
  • Important to not put ourselves on the defensive. Need for framing and phrasing to avoid attacking users. 

UAP meeting
Will happen soon - some focus groups on science enabled by dynamic tomography and getting them going on workshopping

(totally not official) considering side-tunnel

Action items