
LaFortune, Kai Nicholas

Alex Wallace 

Gilliss Dyer 

Ginger DeContreras 

Concept of Operations (ConOps)


Low attendance due to CAM training.

Kai provided high level overview of straw man diagram development to Gilliss.  Experience with HAPFLS laser at ELI?  Ask Tom for Laser Operations contact at ELI - invite to speak to MEC-U team.  How do they plan to target?

Control System Requirements - need to clarify with Partner Labs.

For next meeting - go over outstanding questions–particularly Emergency Power Shutoffs or other CF concerns.  Laser maintenance–must be reliable right around a shift.  Lasers will be generally on most of the time–only off when there is an extended maintenance period.  Can we do any maintenance in a 12h period?  Develop hypothetical schedules.

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