Help for MPS LI21

LION 1A, 1B, 2A, and 2B are now interlocked into the 1553 MPS through an AP20 ldim channel with component name BC1_CID. This interlocking in no way affects the BCS function of the LIONs. The MPS interlocking is purely done in software in the MPS IOC running in sector 20. BC1_CID is included in all the rate limit areas, and should only be active when running beam in the main LINAC pass BASII in sector 19. The ldim bit from AP20 labaled MN_HEART should be active whenever BC1_CID is active. This bit checks for the presence of a heartbeat from the MPS ioc in sector 20.

Readings from any of the LIONs above the limit-lo threshold will zerorate the machine for one second, and will autorecover as long as the LIONs are below the threshold. Readings above the zero rate threshold will latch the BC1_CID bit faulted, until a reset is exercised. Threshold settings and the zero-rate reset are only available through the new lclshome page under MPS LI21.

Threshold settings are under access security control, and only select users have access to write a new threshold. Those users are Arturo Alarcon, Stephen Norum, Howard Smith, Mike Stanek, Jim Turner, Paul Emma, Rick Iverson, Kristi Luchini, and the eoicdesk account.

Write access will only be granted to the above unix users and only from


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