In a few months, we will have to support running the ePix100 in both the LCLS-I and LCLS-II DAQ. The detector will have to have different fiirmware for running in the different DAQs. The process of flashing them back and forth is described below.
The detector will be flashed using the JTAG on the communication board. The setup to do this can be seen in the figure below:
The aluminium casing on the fiber transiver side needs to first be removed in order to get access to the JTAG connector. The camera is then connected to the flashing laptop via the HW-USB-II-G AMD box:
The box uses a ribbon cable on one end and a usb male A to male B cable on he other. The ribbon cable:
The detector is powered and cooled in normal fashion. Bias and Peltier is not needed.
Connecting to the boards and flashing the camera:
Once connected and powered up, the launch the vivado software on the flashing laptop:
Once the software starts, click the open hardware manager option:
This will launch the interface seen below. Then click open target (choose auto connect option):
This will open the device (xc7a200t_0). Right-click the device and choose Add Configuration Memory device:
In the window that opens specify the memory device to be mt25ql256-spi-x1_x2_x4:
Accept the prompt to start programming:
In the window that opens up select which image you want to flash onto the detector (different for LCLS-I and LCLS-II):
The image you want to specify for LCLS-I can be downloaded here:
The one you want for LCLS-II can be downloaded here:
After downloading the relevant image, give the path in the configuration file box:
and press ok twice to start programming:
After the flashing has been done, the following message should be seen:
After this, close down the software, disconnect and reassemble detector and you are good to go.
The firmware images provided above is valid at the time of writing this page. If new version of the firmware becomes available the following page will instruct on how the get a hold of them, and also provides information such as how to check which firmware version is on the camera:
Firmware version tracking for ePix analog detectors