See child pages to the left.
Things to be aware of: the hybrid timing we've used at RIX (and ASC?) and will use at XPP/MFX is a hack to make LCLS-I timing produce LCLS-II run rates so we need to understand all three systems - I, fake 2, and 2.
Note that psdaq is the psana2 daq system. There are three main packages - AMI, psana, and psdaq.
source /cds/sw/ds/ana/conda2/manage/bin/
It is best not to set up conda in your .bashrc. if you need to use both psana1 and 2.
source /sdf/group/lcls/ds/ana/sw/conda1/manage/bin/
source /sdf/group/lcls/ds/ana/sw/conda2/manage/bin/
for s3df. To get to s3df, ssh to s3dflogin, then psana.
See psana for confluence documentation.
ePix10k pedestals:
epix10ka_pedestals_calibration -k exp=rixx1003721,run=200 -d epixhr
epix10ka_deploy_constants -k exp=rixx1003721,run=200 -d epixhr -D
One can get information about the pedestals or other calib constants for a run in psana by inspecting the dict
pedDict = det.calibconst['pedestals']. E.g. pedDict[1]['run'] is the start of the validity range for the pedestal file used.
>>> eval(pedDict[1]['extpars'])['command']
'/sdf/group/lcls/ds/ana/sw/conda2/rel/lcls2_112723/install/bin/epix10ka_deploy_constants -d epixhr -k exp=ascdaq18,run=285 -t 281 -D'
"Generic detector" pedestals: (epix100, archon aka rixCCD)
psana detector info access:
See e.g.
/sdf/data/lcls/ds/rix/rixx1003721/results/scripts/python rixx1003721 200
One can now do e.g.
python /sdf/data/lcls/ds/asc/ascdaq18/results/scripts/ ascdaq18 291 ePixHR_Temp_1,ePixHR_Temp_2,ePixHR_Humidity
to dump a list of PVs to a numpy file for a run with PVs. These can be discovered using detnames:
detnames -e exp=ascdaq18,run=291
Detector Name | Epics Name
StaleFlags |
ePixHR_Temp_1 | DET:EPIXHR:02:TEMP1
ePixHR_Temp_2 | DET:EPIXHR:02:TEMP2
ePixHR_Dig_in | DET:EPIXHR:02:DIG_IN_V
ePixHR_Ana_in | DET:EPIXHR:02:ANA_IN_V