In The Field:
Motor: HT23-554D-ZAC
IP Address:
IP Address set:
Subnet Mask:
Test plan:
- auxiliary task has homeAsync task -> homeAsync.bcx in filesystem good enough task execution setup has. all tasks enabledParameters > Axis > Limits > EndOfTravelLimitSetup
- Home Switch Polarity needs to be Active High
- Home Limit needs to be Use CCW Input (which is the negative limit switch)This one might be correct, but please verify:
- Parameters > Axis > Motion > Home > HomeSetup
- Home Start Direction should be CCW/Negative Direction
- Limit Type should be Use End-of-Travel Limit Switch
- Marker Input Source should be Use Position FeedbackTrip CW/CCW limit
- Check on motor record screen and on aerotech to see which limits show up
Try to home -> if works, try homing again, try 3 different homes, main panel, homr/homfTest plan:
1. Update parameter
2. Save new parameter file into motion epics App
3. Power Cycle MOC, Reboot IOC , enable axis, home
4. Move to x mm.
5. Home again to see if the behavior is odd.6. Power Cycle MOC, Don`t reboot IOC.
7. enable axis, home
8. Move to x mm.
9. Home again to see if the behavior is odd.10. Reboot IOC, Don`t power cycle MOC.
11. enable axis, home
12. Move to x mm.
13. Home again to see if the behavior is odd.
- Homing on ensemble works fine, it goes back to the 0 position which is at CCW limit switch and stays there
- On EPICS, the homing would go to the CCW limit switch, then go back to the requested position, rather than a preset offset (which is 0 in the parameter file)