- This week measurements were made on the fundamental signals received from the Faraday cup and one toroid using a scope and simple electronics, and new calibration factor for charge measurement with the BPM's has been determined and implemented. This results in 44% more charge than was earlier thought to be present.
- It is planned for this Thursday to install IM02 which is much closer to the gun than the two existing toroids and therefore should have a more consistent beam. Plus it will allow simultaneous readings from two toroids under the same beam pulse, providing more reliable statistics about performance.
- Now that the toroid signal has been characterized more thoroughly, suitable filters are being tested to use in front of the TCM electronics to allow accurate charge measurements. Real beam is required for all of this testing and the vent planned for Thursday will delay beam until next week. More modeling and testing will go on as possible before then.
- Progress is also being made on future installation requirements for cable layout and chassis manufacture.
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