Toroid Electronics Meeting Minutes, May 10, 2006
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Steve Smith |
John Dusatko |
Tim Montagne |
Hamid Shoaee |
David Dowell |
Sheng Peng |
Mike Browne |
Bob Fuller |
Stephen Norum |
Patrick Krejcik |
Cecile Limborg |
Michael Cecere |
- D. Dowell: Toroid Physics Requirements Review
- T. Montagne: Toroid Mechanical Design Update
- M. Cecere: Hybrid Electronics Design
Presentation Materials:
Hybrid Electronics Presentation, M. Cecere (PPT Format)
- D. Dowell- Design Requirements
- Don't need to lift design requirement for waveform transfer
- Will be available on all installations, Toroids and Faraday Cups
- Asked for 500MHz BW monitoring abilities,
- Presented solution will offer 130MHz sampling rate, which will be good for waveform acquistion and charge determination
- If this isn't sufficient for diagnostic purposes a fast O-scope can be utilized at that location
- T. Montagne- Mechanical Design Status
- More information available at tomorrow's (5/11/06) FDR
- Will be 12 turns on primary
- Not sure of calibartion coil single turn manifestation
- M. Cecere- Hyrbid Electronics
- Presented Hybrid solution design including Analog Electronics and Digital Electronics section for waveform capture/transfer
- Analog Design-
- two possible manifestations, Time-slice integration, or BW seperation of component signals.
- decided to stick with Integration technique
- Serial link type still in discussion. RS-232 not attractive to anyone. possibly I2C would be functional.
- question raised if the digital acquisition board could be used as a communication channel. but this function would require that that board always be present, and represents a a circular route of commands/data from BCM host IOC
- Digital Electronics
- Use Ron Akre's 4 channel 130MSPS ADC board with EPICS IOC host for waveform acquisition and network transfer.
- Board could also be used to calculate beam charge, Coldfire processor fast enough for this application.
- signal would need to be stretched for this purpose, no problems here
- Analog Board and Digital Board can be put in the same box or kept in two seperate, 1u high boxes, immediately adjacent to the IOC crate
Action Items:
- M. Cecere Check with B. Fuller on rack positions and locations and wiring.
- M. Cecere Determine host IOC ADC requirements.
- M. Cecere Determine communication link between host IOC and FPGA on analog Board
- M. Cecere Check with Ron Akre on availability of his 4-channel board
- M. Cecere Develop Analog Electronics design details