Toroid Electronics Meeting Minutes, April 4, 2006



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Steve Smith

John Dusatko

Tim Montagne

Hamid Shoaee

David Dowell

Sheng Peng

Mike Browne

Arturo Alarcon

Stephen Norum


Michael Cecere



  1. Injector Install Solution: What circuitry will be ready for Injector Install?
  2. System Architecture: Imaging requirements? MPS EPICS dependency?

Action: (summary; see details below)

  1. M. Cecere Pursue an Analog Electronics solution for Injector Install.
  2. M. Cecere Determine MPS requirements, Interim and Permanent.
  3. D. Dowell Send revised Toroid specifications to M. Cecere
  4. M. Cecere Investigate network BW options for sending video/waveform data (from waveform imaging) back to MCC.
  5. M. Cecere Develop ESD based on Analog Interim Solution for next week


  1. Discussed Digital FPGA/DSP Design
    1. Has many nice features:
      1. Beam Charge Determination
      2. EPICS Independence for MPS signal generation
      3. Complete waveform imaging capability
    2. Steve thought this project could be done in 6 months, if enough resources were dedicated. This was judged risky at this time.
  2. Pre-Amp might not be needed at all
    1. it was briefly mentioned that the pre-amp can be elliminated from this design and it's functions (calibration pulse generation, possible pulse stretching/conditioning) can be subsumed by the electronics board itself.
  3. MPS Requirements
    1. Comparator mode and Single Toroid modes both needed.
    2. Need independence from EPICS processing for reliability.
      1. This requires remebering MPS threshold values in case the host IOC locks-up.
      2. and a watchdog timer so Toroid board can notify MPS of problem.
  4. Imaging Requirements, Still needed for Toroids?
    1. If toroid designed to spec, it should provide a recoverable image of the dark current pulse.
    2. Dave says this requirement can be dropped for toroids, will rely on Faraday cups for imaging needed during tune-up and diagnostics.
    3. Therefore, Imaging requirements still needed for Faraday cup.
      1. can be supplied by an analog signal tap that can be fed to an o-scope or digitizing card for readback over the network.
      2. need to investigate network BW options for sending imaging data (video signals, digital waveform data...) back to MCC for remote observation.
  5. Interim Analog-based Solution
    1. can still supply imaging requirements
    2. MPS signal generation needs made much more difficult without the presence of digital electronics on board. adding digital electronics complicates project timeline.
      1. relax MPS requirements for Interim, injector install solution?
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