Develops since last week:

  • IMS1 has been installed in the dog-leg spectrometer section and checks out electrically ok. Presently there is fake data being presented to the lclshome page on this channel, IMS1.
  • IM01, the first toroid after the gun, is electrically shorted presumably as a result of the vacuum bolts shorting out against the internal wiring. It is not clear how this will be remedied at this time.
  • The two faraday cups, FC01 and FCG1, are presently connected to the RF-hut for direct viewing on an o-scope, but can be easily switched over to their permenent destination in the TCM rack, LKG-14. data has been received over these lines at this time.
  • The third, spare TCM chassis is nearing completion and should be done at the end of this week.
  • The toroid fast digitizer chassis is now in LKG-14 and should be presenting data to the network by the end of this week.


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