Issue discussed: UDP port used for SC Timing BSSS and BLD is also used when in NC to receive EVG data stream

Solution discussed:

1) RSSI → Not good performances as it might lose packets → NO

2) Header in the firmware to recognize data from NC (timing) and SC (bsss and bld)

This solution would require to rebuild and release a new version of the firmware in the shared areas as well as the NC areas. The firmware upgrade is necessary in the NC areas because the driver tprTrigger would be changed to look for a header and in NC mode we need tprPatter + tprTrigger. Therefore since the machine is currently running this isn't the best solution at the moment. → Long term follow up solution to 3)

Question: could we still do solution 2) and have a default where if there is no header we flag the data as NC data? this way we wouldn't need to reboot and upgrade firmware everywhere. Is this even possible?

3) Driver level solution, use the tprTrigger MODE flag NC/SC to establish if the stream is NC or SC and read the UDP received data accordingly. →Selected Solution!

4) Create another virtual UDP port in the firmware. This isn't a good solution at the moment since the FW resources are limited and would require a global FPGA upgrade to a bigger FPGA. $ and Dev Time + repeat checkout →NO

Request to KK to revisit the MODE high level PV and consider to make a separate template PV specific to UED. The default on tprTrigger MODE should be NC.

Marcio started his work on BLD and wants to know if BLD should be its own module or part of bsaDriver.


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