Tasks in switching from Spartan to Kintex fiber for communication between EPICS IOC and LLRF chassis
- Is specific Spartan firmware version needed, if so which?
- Use lcls2_llrf bitfiles with \_fiber\_ in name, for example: prc_fiber_qf2_v07.a419d3f4.bit
- Update FEED to use Kintex port number for affected chassis
- Can set global default FEED port number at startup or command line with command:
- If not all chassis are using the same port number, you can still define the port number for individual chassis, when setting the FEED network address, for example, at IOC startup:
- dbpf ${CM}00:RFS1A:CTRL_IPADDR rfs1a:803
- dbpf ${CM}00:RESA:CTRL_IPADDR rfs1a:5006
- When calling lcls2_rack.sh, pass -k command line argument. This is done by rfRackInitCommon.sh when passed FIBERFLAG argument. For the LCLS2 Linac, this change is made in rfRackTestLcls2.sh. (These scripts in $TOOLS/script.)
- If any chassis are not ready for fiber (resonance as of 9/2021), then exclude these in the rack fiber programming step in lcls2_rack.sh. (This only affects rack checkout, not the function/button to just program the fiber interfaces; that still does all 4 chassis in rack.)
- To exclude resonance, pass -x 1 argument to lcls2_kintex_fiber_rack.py. This change is made in lcls2_rack.sh. (These scripts live in $PACKAGE_TOP/lcls2_llrf/srf/software/prc.)
- Update CPU /etc/hosts.
- Changes. Spartan IP is now <chassis>-mgt; Kintex IP now assigned to <chassis>. Example for RFS1A:
- Before
- After
- rfs1a-mgt
- rfs1a
- Run rack checkout
Steps for 9/24/2021:
- In $TOOLS/FEED/firmware/prc
- rm current
- mv fiber current
- In $TOOLS/FEED/firmware/res_ctl
- rm current
- mv new current
- In $PACKAGE_TOP/lcls2_llrf/
- rm srf
- mv new srf
- In $TOOLS/script
- cvs update rfRackTestLcls2.sh and rfRackTestCommon.sh
- Update /etc/hosts. As root, logged into CPU, execute /usr/local/lcls/epics/iocCommon/cpu-l2b-rf15/modify_hosts_fiber.sh
- EPICS IOC port number update. Two options. Option a. is recommended because it is the permanent plan and does not require any manual adjustment later. But if you are wary to reboot, you can use b. for the first CM or two.
- Reboot EPICS IOC. (Will update port numbers and so communication will fail until rack checkout run.)
- caput network name, specifying port number for the chassis being upgraded. Example for CM02:
- caput ACCL:L1B:0200:RFS1A:CTRL_IPADDR rfs1a:803
- caput ACCL:L1B:0200:RFS2A:CTRL_IPADDR rfs1a:803
- caput ACCL:L1B:0200:PRCA:CTRL_IPADDR prca:803
- If you do option b., later, when you eventually reboot EPICS, you will want to re-caput the IPADDR values, with the 803 removed.
- Run rack checkout