This work environment is exclusively for the VME Crate Setup. If you are getting set up for any other Profile Monitor Setup please see "Getting ProfileMonitorAD Work Area Setup"

Any information that is subject to userprivate information, or has multiple options can be identified by the color scheme that is presented as seen.

Seeing the →  symbol means pressing enter is required during a script

Seeing the <tab> means that the following information will be filled in after the tab

ssh -X unix_username@lcls-dev2

cd desired_file_location_you_want_repository


ProfileMonitor →

Press Enter or Desired Tag

Press Enter or enter base-R3-14-12 →

Press Enter or enter /afs/slac/g/lcls/epics/modules/R3-14-12 → → → → 

cd ProfileMonitor/ProfileMonitor-git

  • No labels