RF testing using E4438 generator
- Connect low noise RF generator to inputs:
- Generate test filesLog onto a machine that you can get a Matlab license for
ssh <username>@rdsrv223
- Copy test files to the proper directoryOpen data in Matlab
- Source the following
source /afs/slac/g/lcls/epics/setup/epicsenv-
source /afs/slac/g/controls/development/package/matlab/setup/matlab_2017b_setup_local.bash
cd /afs/slac/g/lcls/users/BPM/LCLS_II/matlab
matlab &
- Be sure to close Matlab when done
Run SNR_b84_GenADC.m
- Change line 17 to have the right filename
- Change line 26 to ADC.index=4
- Bay 0
0 == Unused
1 == Ain 2
2 == Ain 1
3 == Ain 0
Bay 1
4 == Unused
5 == Ain 2
6 == Ain 1
7 == Ain 0
Look for and record the values:- sig_power > 1
- SNR > 68
- Repeat for indices (5,6,7)