EPICS asyn and areaDetector Class and Labs: Dec. 6, 7, and 8 2011

The labs will be run on lcls-dev1 linux server.
Each user shall have a bash login with appropriate unix file permissions.

So, first log into lcls-dev1
After obtaining a bash shell, you must source the following file and export a few ENV variables for java:
source /afs/slac/g/cd/swe/rhel5/tools/script/ENVS_swe.bash
export JAVAVER=1.7.0_01
export JAVA_HOME=/afs/slac/g/cd/swe/rhel5/package/java/jdk1.7.0_01
export ASYN_CLASS=/afs/slac/g/cd/swe/rhel5/epics/Training/asynClass

Now, you should be ready.

During this class there will be 3 labs.
The Lab will have 4 groups with two people in each group.
Lab 1: asynPortDriver for Tektronix Scope Lab 2: areaDetector Simulation Lab 3: GigE Camera with areaDetector

Enter your group and begin your work.

Group5 is reserved for Lab TAs and serves as a reference.
You are also allowed to use it as your reference.

Within each Group there are two IOC application tops.
One of the Application Tops will be used for the Tektronix scope lab exercise. The other application top will be used for the areaDetector labs 2 and 3

    • ApplicationTop 1 = ScopeTestX, where X is the Group No.
    • ApplicationTop 2 = areaDetTestX, where X is the Group No.
      Note that the 2nd application top will consist of two applications each with its own IOC. The first application will be used for the areaDetector simulator. The second application will be used for a real hardware detector (i.e. prosilica GigE Camera)

# =========================================================
# The Tektronix TDS 3000 Series Scopes assignment follows:
# =========================================================

scop-b34-cd01: ==> Group1
scop-b34-cd02: ==> Group2
scop-b34-cd03: ==> Group3
scop-b34-cd04: ==> Group4
# =========================================================

# =========================================================
# The Prosilica Camera assignment follows:
# =========================================================
camr-b34-ls01: ==> Group1
camr-b34-ls02: ==> Group2
camr-b34-ls03: ==> Group3
camr-b34-ls04: ==> Group4
# =========================================================

Note: For any questions please ask the Lab TAs and/or Instructor.


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