This is the Linux installer for GLAST software, for use in downloading and installing external libraries and packages as needed.

*Note: Windows users, please use the Windows installer(Available at

PREREQUISITES for Linux users:

  • Perl
  • DBI Perl module
  • Pod::Usage Perl module
  • Getopt::Long Perl module
    Note: If you already have Perl, you probably already have the "Pod" and "Getopt" modules. Verify that you also have the standard database interface (DBI) module.




brief help message


command to perform


tag to use


package to use


version of package to use


directory where external libraries are to be installed


directory where packages are to be installed


install only the external libraries (skip package installation)


install only the packages (skip external library installation)


don't install anything


temporary directory to download files to (used for some compression methods)


don't remove bin scripts that point to non-existant binaries



Print a brief help message and exit.

--command,-c action

Specifies the action to perform. Available actions are: listPackages, listTags, install.

--tag,-t Tag

Narrow the results to anything that contains the specified tag.

--package,-p package

Narrow the results to anything that contains the specified package name.

--extDir,-e dir

Location where external libraries should be downloaded to. If not set it will try to use $GLAST_EXT.

--instDir,-i dir

Location where packages should be downloaded to. If not set it will try to use $CMTPATH.


Installs only the external libraries for selected version. Doesn't attempt to install any packages


Installs only the packages for selected version. Doesn't attempt to install any of the external libraries.


Don't install any of the packages. Just print out what packages it would have installed.


Temporary directory used to download files to before uncompressing. This is not needed for .tar.gz files. If not set it will try to use $TEMP if set. This is only needed if $TEMP isn't defined and zip files are being downloaded.


By default the bin directory is cleaned after download to remove any scripts that point to binaries that don't exist. Use this flag to prevent it and keep all scripts in bin.


List all the available tags. --command listPackages --tag rh9_gcc32

List all packages that are available for tag rh9_gcc32. --command listPackages --package GlastRelease --version LATEST1.919

List all packages that have versions LATEST1.919 and belong to GlastRelease. --command install --package GlastRelease --version LATEST1.919 --tag rh9_gcc32 --instDir /tmp

Install external libraries for GlastRelease LATEST1.919 compiled for rh9_gcc32 into directory that's specified in $GLAST_EXT. Install GlastRelease packages for LATEST1.919 compiled for rh9_gcc32 into /tmp. --command install --package GlastRelease --version LATEST1.919 --tag rh9_gcc32 --instDir /tmp --pkgOnly

Same as above, except no external libraries are installed. --command install --package GlastRelease --version LATEST1.919 --tag rh9_gcc32 --instDir /tmp --extOnly

Only external libraries needed by GlastRelease-LATEST1.919 compiled for rh9_gcc32 are installed. --command install --package GlastRelease --version v4r6 --extOnly --tag VC8debug

Installing the external libraries only for GlastRelease, where we utilize the GLAST_EXT environment variable to determine the location of the libraries.

To Install CMT --command listPackages --tag VC8debug --package CMT

Enter this command string first to check the versions available using the installer listPackages command, then enter: --command install --package CMT --version v1r16p20040701 --extDir C:\glast\tools --tag VC8debug --extOnly

to install the desired version of CMT.

Note: After CMT is installed on your computer, add CMT to your PATH environment variable.

  • No labels


  1. Unknown User (pln)

    I think that some of these arguments need to have default values. The last time I used the installer I had to specify -c, -t, -p, -v, -e, and -i. That's too many.

    Someone who wants the latest good version shouldn't have to browse through a long list of all the builds and then guess which one it is.

    For example -v could default to the latest tag. Or perhaps there should be an entry in the database which specifies "latest good tag", placed by hand. Also -e and -i could default to subdirectories (with default names) of the current directory. Since this installer works only on linux, -p could pick the rh* version.

  2. This page should have a link pointing to where one can download the current "release" version of the installer.