The basic goal is to develop a procedure allowing Android-based devices to be used for network monitoring given the following assumptions:
Android devices (e.g., old mobile telephones) can provide sufficient computing power for PingER monitoring;
The PingER program code can be easily installed on the Android OS;
Android-based devices used for PingER monitoring will have access to Wi-Fi services and not use cellular networks (due to inherent latency concerns);
Android-based PingER monitors will require no maintenance; device failure will be addressed by replacement with a new device (remove and replace);
Android-based PingER monitors have the potential to be placed anyplace where network and power access are available;
Local configuration/setup of Android-based PingER monitors will be limited to Wi-Fi setting;
Android-based PingER monitors will occupy the same system status as other PingER monitors;
Android-based devices will be provided by the PingER team for development, configuration, and testing;
It is not a goal to develop a generalized Android app interface to PingER data. Skills required for participation in the PingER project for Android:
Android OS/Java programming skills;
Familiarity with the PingER project infrastructure and program code;
Familiarity with Git; the PingER codebase is maintained on GitHub.
Project outcomes:
A PingER codebase for Android;
Proof-of-concept (installation and testing of an Android-based monitoring device);
Installation documentation for Android-based PingER monitoring devices;
A conference or journal submission that documents experience and findings in Steps (b) and (c); e. Development of a strategy for soliciting participants/locations of Android-based PingER devices.