his is the home page for the Shahryar Khan space.
Work Progress at SLAC
Contributions ICFA SCIC Report 2006 [20th September 2006 - 20th December 2006]
- I was the co-author of ICFA SCIC Report which was focused on Network Infrastructure of African Countries this year.
- Adding new sites to PingER database in African countries where we did not had coverage.
- Analyzing PingER data and plotting various graphs.
- Contributed writeup for ViPER project to this report.
- The Report can be found here
PingER data normalization [10th October 2006 - 15 October 2006 ]
- Extended prm.pl in order to include an option for Normalized throughputs.
- Normalized graph of TCP throughputs was used in the ICFA SCIC report.
Contributions to ICFA report 2007 [1st January 2007 - 20th February 2007]
- This case study was done in anticipation of ICFA SCIC Conference in Mexico (October 2007) with special emphasis on Latin America.
- Details of this study can be found here
PingER Smokeping Integration [20th February 2007 - 1st May 2007]
- Integration, Deployment, testing and performance analysis of PingER Smokeping Integration.
- Details of this project can be found here
A Case Study of Internet connectivity in South Asian Countries [1st May 2007 - 15th July 2007]
- A detailed case Study of Internet connectivity in South Asian Countries using PingER data. This study can be found here
- This study was presented at "Internet2 planning Meeting: Enhancing Research and Education Connectivity to and within South Asia",Arlington Virginia USA,and later at American Physics Society in Florida
- A research paper titled "Quantifying the Digital divide - A Scientific Overview of Network Connectivity and Grid Infrastructure in South Asian Countries" was published at CHEP 2007, Victoria Canada.
IHY Case Study [ 1st July 2007 - 15th July 2007]
- Internet performance for Africa. This was with special relevance to assisting the International Heliophysical Year scientists to understand and where possible use Internet connectivity to automate and improve efficiency of their GPS and Magnetometer probes.
- Details of this study can be found here
Contributions to TULIP [15th July 2007 - 30th August 2007]
- Proposed that Planet Lab sites can be used as TULIP landmarks and also figured out how to use them.
- Came up with a tiering idea (TULIP2) and carried out an extensive analysis to check the feasibility of tiering. The study can be found here
- Deployed a script which would invoke the PlanetLab landmarks to get the results and return it back to TULIP Client. The script had special security considerations as it had to be deployed at SLAC. The details can be found here
[30th August 2007- 30th August 2008 one year spent in Pakistan with NUST-SEECS]
- Analysis of Trilateration Results. Details can be found here.
[1st September 2008 - 28th February 2009 6 months spent at SLAC as a Visiting Scientist]
- Gave the idea of PingER Motion Charts and heat maps. Details can be found under ViPER home page.
- Developed a new Web based Client for TULIP(it can be accessed from TULIP Home Page) . Details can be found here.