South American Mercosur countries 8/14/2020

The  Mercosur (or Southern Common Market) countries (see  here include Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile and I have added Venezuela.

Cumulative Confirmed cases per million populationCumulative Deaths per million population
To assist in showing the deaths for those countries with lower numbers of %(deaths/ million population) we take the log base 10 of the y axis.Cumulative Deaths/confirmed cases
Daily confirmed cases per million population



  • Chile recorded its first confirmed case Feb 23, followed by Brazil  on Feb 26.
  • Chile and Brazil followed by Argentina lead in terms of both confirmed cases and deaths. 
  • For the ratio deaths/confirmed cases Brazil takes the lead followed by a dead heat between Uruguay and Chile followed, in turn, by Argentina.
  • In terms of the ratio deaths/confirmed cases:
    •  Brazil, Argentina and Chile passed their peak in the April May time-frame. 
    • Then in June Chile started rising again, passed the first peak and continued rising.
    • Uruguay has remained fairly constant since May.
    • Argentina and Paraguay appear to be seeing an increase again in August.
    • Venezuela appears to have rapidly reduced the ratio and held it steady at about 1% since May. It also appears to have the lowest reported deaths. This is strange given the concerns over the Venezuelan Health care system and the impact of international sanctions (see
  • Looking at the daily confirmed cases per million population in Mercosur countries , Chile passed its peak in June. For the other countries, the daily confirmed cases are still increasing or flat.

South American Andean countries 8/14/2020

The sub-regions are roughly from with Venezuela added.

Covid-19 confirmed cases per million population for South American Andean countriesCovid-19 deaths per million population for South American Andean Countries
Covid-19 cumulative confirmed cases for South American Andean countriesCovid-19 daily confirmed cases for South America Andean countries


  • The first confirmed case was from Ecuador on Mar 1, followed by both Columbia and Peru on Mar 6. Bolivia was the last country to announce a confirmed case on Mar 11.
  • Peru leads in both number of confirmed case, number of confirmed case per million population and deaths per million population.
  • Bolivia had the highest per cent deaths per confirmed cases (or Case Fatality Ration - CFR), followed by Bolivia.
  • It does not appear that any of the Andean countries have passed the peak of daily confirmed cases.

South America  6/30/2020

The sub-regions are roughly from

Deaths vs confirmed
Deaths/K population vs confirmed/K population
Bubble chart of days between first confirmed case and first death


  • Brazil recorded the first confirmed Covid-19 case on February 24.
  • Argentina recorded the first death on March 11, 8 days after its first recorded case. At this time it had 31 recorded confirmations.
  • Brazil's first recorded death was March 16, by which time it had 372 recorded confirmations.
  • In terms of deaths/K population vs confirmed/K population:

    • the leading counties are Chile (CL), Peru (PE), Brazil (EC), and Ecuador (EC).

    • and Venezuela (VE) has the lowest values.
  • No labels