Starting up the Dalek with its four children (from scratch)
In progress, 17 Feb 2006
- Re-power the Dalek and Gasu
- Log onto one of lat-fangorn, lat-hobbit1, or lat-hobbit2, start cmx, and start four xterms. These will be referred to below as VSC, SIU, EPU0, EPU1.
- xyplex to the VSC, SIU, EUP0, and EPU1 in the xterms. Type Ctrl-X in each to reboot. e.g.
$ cmx start $ xyplex lat-elf9
- Exit from the xyplex to the VSC with Ctrl-] (Esc) and then 'exit' (from telnet)
- At VSC xterm: Boot the VSC and load libraries with:
$ fmx xyplex /nfs/slac/g/glast/online/VSC/VSC_load_cmx.fmx --target=lat-elf9 --tag=mv2304
- At SIU xyplex: Load SIU libraries:
-> < /afs/
- From the workstation where the proxies and scriptEngine runs, check for and remove all LICOS related python processes.
- Turn on main feed, power on first EPU: Log onto lat-hobbit5 (test machine for LICOS), source a setup script for LICOS ('source /path/to/LICOS_ETC/setupSE.csh' or be user glast), and start a python prompt (hereafter referred to as Python prompt). At the prompt input:
from LICOS.scriptEngine.ScriptEngineConnector import ScriptEngineConnector p = ScriptEngineConnector('lat-elf9',None,None) p.start() p.mainFeedOn(siuId=0, pduId=-1) p.powerOnEpuOnly(epuId=0)
- At EPU0 xyplex: Boot Epu0
-> < /afs/
- At the python prompt: Power on second EPU
- At EPU1 xyplex: Boot Epu1
-> < /afs/
- At the python prompt: Enable SSR and power on dalek font ends.
import VSC p.ssr(VSC.VscProxy.Enable) p.powerOnTemOnly(temId=0, pduId=0) p.powerOnCalOnly(temId=0) p.powerOnTkrOnly(temId=0) p.setBiasVoltageCal(temId=0, biasVoltage=0x5800) p.setBiasVoltageTkr(temId=0, biasVoltage=0x4000) p.powerOnAemOnly(pduId=0, supRed=0) p.powerOnFreeBoardOnly(freeId=10) p.powerOnFreeBoardOnly(freeId=11)
- At SIU xyplex: Enable periodic triggering:
-> LATC_enable_period_free
- Start diagnostic, science and LHK telemetry proxies: Log onto lat-hobbit5 (test machine for LICOS), source a setup script for LICOS (or be user glast), and type (hereafter referred to as test machine prompt):
Replace vsc cfg file with custom version if desired.
$ONLINE_ROOT/LICOS_ETC/runProxies.csh lat-elf9 ~/Work/vsc_lh5.cfg
- At test machine prompt: Start scriptEngine:
$ONLINE_ROOT/LICOS_ETC/scriptEngine.csh --config ~/Work/scriptEngine.cfg --vscConfig ~/Work/vsc_lh5.cfg --server lat-elf9
- Start LsfWriter and Analysis Engine: Log onto lat-hobbit5 (test machine for LICOS), source a setup script for LICOS (or be user glast), and type (hereafter referred to as analysis machine prompt):
$ONLINE_ROOT/LICOS_ETC/lsfWriter.csh ~/Work/vsc_lh5.cfg $ONLINE_ROOT/LICOS_ETC/analysisEngine.csh --vscConfig ~/Work/vsc_lh5.cfg --aeConfig ~/Work/ae_mcr.cfg --seConfig ~/Work/scriptEngine.cfg