Multiwavelength Campaign for Blazar 3C454.3 (2251+158), z = 0.86
September 1
The 3C454.3 campaign ends on Sep 1; observers are asked to send data to the campaign managers ( or by Fri, Sep 28, 2007.
August 2
*AGILE significance for July 24-30 is 10 sigma!
July 27
*AGILE has announced a preliminary gamma-ray detection of 3C454.3
In addition, the RXTE ToO has been requested based on the AGILE trigger.
July 24
*The AGILE gamma-ray satellite has repointed to 3C454.3. The announcement is HERE. The contact person for AGILE is Stefano Vercellone (mailto:
July 20
*Tuorla Observatory, Finland, optical light curve- Please note that these data are unpublished and preliminary. Please contact the Tuorla Observatory for information (Leo O. Takalo ,
*X-ray flux of 3C454.3 is still rising - Swift/XRT QuickLook Analysis on Jul 20: 5.7e-11 erg/s/cm^2 (compared to 4.6e-11 erg/s/cm^2 on Jul 17)
July 19
*WEBT has extended their long-term campaign on this source
*Swift Target of Opportunity Request has been approved
*Spitzer observation scheduled for July 28
*The MAGIC TeV telescope has been observing 3C454.3 for the past three nights.
Observation Table Tentative list of observations being conducted as part of the 3C454.3 campaign
Announcement of the Campaign (July 19, 2007)
The GLAST Large Area Telescope AGN science group is starting a multiwavelength campaign for blazar 3C454.3 (2251+158), effective immediately and continuing through the middle of August. This Ad-Hoc Intensive Campaign (AIC) is prompted by brightening in the radio, optical and X-ray. Swift Target of Opportunity observations are planned. A Spitzer observation is scheduled.
Campaign managers: Matthias Kadler, , and Ann Wehrle,
Please contact them if you have telescope time and are interested in joining this campaign. For this campaign, the policy on data sharing will be: if you observe and send data that can be used, you are a co-author of a resulting multiwavelength publication unless you just want an acknowledgment. Anyone who contributes data keeps the right to publish those data separately.
Although there will be no GLAST gamma-ray data (GLAST is still in testing in Arizona), the opportunity for good multiwavelength coverage of this source right now is excellent at other wavelengths. In addition to the intrinsic scientific interest, this campaign can be used to establish planning and coordination routines for the upcoming years of multiwavelength blazar observations with GLAST.
Finding Chart - from WEBT planning page
Please contact the campaign managers if you would like to join this campaign.
Some references from the 2005 giant flare:
WEBT Optical Campaign, Villata et al. 2006
Radio Delay - WEBT Follow-up, Villata et al. 2007
Swift and Infrared Observations, Giommi et al. 2006