
Installing the RTEMS tools manually

Select and set up the environment

  • See Quick_Start on the RTEMS site
  • Instructions for getting the prebuilt tools are at APT/Yum_Repository
  • Read Getting Started with RTEMS or its pdf.
    • Other online documents are here
  • Select a configuration:

    RTEMS Branch - 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, 4.10 or 4.11 (repository head)


    GNU/Linux Distribution - fedora, suse, redhat, etc.


    GNU/Linux Distribution Version


    Host CPU Architecture - i386 or x86_64


  • Log in on an rddev machine (N.B. rdsrv machine doesn't have off-site access)
  • root access (sudo -s) is needed to update apt, yum databases
  • On 11/21/2012, apt seems not to exist on rddev110, nor is there an apt-conf file on the RTEMS site. Skip to yum.

Download and install the prebuilt RTEMS GNU tools using apt

Note: this only works from a system that can see outside of SLAC.

  • Create the aptRPM repository (update the date in the path as appropriate):

    rpm -ivh
    rpm -ivh

    Creates /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rtems-4.11.list.

This recipe is based on instructions found here.

  • This will install in /opt/rtems-4.11/ (requires rootaccess), which is generally not useful to us because we want the tools to be in a lab-common area:

    apt-get -d update
    apt-get install rtems-4.11-autoconf
  • If installation fails with "E: Unknown signature ... (SHA1) DSA sha1 md5 (GPG) NOT OK (MISSING KEYS: GPG#<nnnnnnnn>)":
    • Navigate to
    • Download gpg-pubkey-<nnnnnnnn>-<mmmmmmmm> to a local location
    • rpm import /home/claus/rce/gpg-pubkey-<nnnnnnnn>-<mmmmmmmm>
    • Check that the key is in the list returned by rpm -qa | grep -E key
  • Install the remainder of the tools:

    apt-get install rtems-4.11-automake
    apt-get install rtems-4.11-powerpc-rtems4.11-binutils
    apt-get install rtems-4.11-powerpc-rtems4.11-gdb
    apt-get install rtems-4.11-powerpc-rtems4.11-gcc
    apt-get install rtems-4.11-powerpc-rtems4.11-gcc-c++

Download and install the prebuilt RTEMS GNU tools using yum

Note: this only works from a system that can see outside of SLAC.

It looks like apt can't redirect the installation to a root directory different from what is built into the RPM files, but yum can. Some packages aren't relocatable, e.g., automake, in which case see 'Building from sources' below. The following recipe is based on instructions found here.

  • Set installation directory and create it if it doesn't already exist:

    export INSTDIR=/u1/reg/package/gnu
    mkdir -p $INSTDIR
  • Download and install the yum-conf RPM and then, as root, execute:

    rpm -ivh
  • If rpm complains about dependencies in the above step, run rpm with the --nodepsoption:

    rpm -ivh --nodeps rtems-4.11-yum-conf-0.20101202.1-1.el5.noarch.rpm
  • Install the public keyinto the RPM database:

    rpm --import
  • Install the tools:

    yum --installroot=$INSTDIR install rtems-4.11-auto*
    yum --installroot=$INSTDIR install rtems-4.11-powerpc*
An example from 11/21/2012:
  • Following the YUM instructions, added -nodeps. Note that this installs in /opt/rtems-4.11:

    sudo -s
    rpm -ivh --nodeps
    rpm --import
    yum search rtems
    yum install rtems-4.11-auto*
    yum install rtems-4.11-powerpc-*
  • If yum says there's "Nothing to do", do 'yum list rtems-4.11-yum-conf.noarch'. If that returns more than one item, do 'yum erase rtems-4.11-yum-conf.noarch' and redo the above. Perhaps this could be avoided by adding --force to the rpm install of the yum-conf file above.
  • Found that installing the powerpc stuff failed because of missing dependency on Found it hereusing google:

    yum install

    'yum install rtems-4.11-powerpc-*' then succeeded.

When your systems don't have external network access: example from 2013-05-07

These instructions are for installing on the group disks which are hosted on rdsrv101. The packages cannot be installed here through an NFS mount from another machine since the disks are specifically mounted without full root access. Thus, the two step process: download on one machine and install on another.

  • On a machine with external access download the following rpms using wget and place them on an accessable disk

    or use wildcards, as in:

  • Log in to the NFS host (rdsrv101) and create a new installation directory under /u1/reg/package/gnu. Don't try to write over one that is already there as this will affect other users.
  • Temporarily create the rtems-4.11 softlink in /opt pointing to this new directory. Rename the previous one if a link is already there. This will affect users on the NFS host you're working, but will not affect users on other nodes in the cluster.
  • As root, install the RPMs with

    rpm --nodeps -ivh rtems-4.11-*.rpm
  • The --nodeps option is required due to a perl dependency from automake that doesn't seem to be easily worked around.
  • After installation and testing, delete the temporary soft-link you created in /opt above an rename the previous link back to the original. In other words, /opt/rtems-4.11 should point to /u1/reg/package/gnu/rtems-4.11.
  • Change the soft-link /u1/reg/package/gnu/rtems-4.11 to point to the new installation directory created in the second step above.

Building the RTEMS GNU tools from sources

This is based on a recipe for Ubuntu found here.
When installing into a privileged directory, be sure to do sudo make install below instead of make install. For our purposes, this is not necessary.

  • Create or select a root directory and cdto it:

    mkdir tools
    cd tools
  • Create a text file (e.g., gnuTools.lis) and enter all the tool file names into it. An example is:

    • The sources are at
    • It may be easier to copy and paste the whole page into e.g., emacs and then delete what you don't want (e.g. search for <tab> and delete everything after it).
    • Note the dates and pick up any patches (.diff files) that might be relevant. It appears that the patches are cumulative, so only the most recent .diff files are needed.
    • Consider avoiding release candidates (RC in the name).
  • Create a working directory and cdto it:

    cd ..
    mkdir archive
    cd archive
  • Download the archives and/or patch files:

    wget --base -i ../tools/gnuTools.lis
  • Ensure that your path variables are clean. In particular, make sure that . is not in your PATH.
  • Define an environment variable pointing to where the packages will be installed:

    export GNU_DIR=/u1/reg/package/gnu
    cd ../tools
  • Build autoconf:

    tar xjf archive/autoconf-2.68.tar.bz2
    mkdir b-autoconf
    cd b-autoconf/
    ../autoconf-2.68/configure --prefix=$GNU_DIR/autoconf-2.68
    make all
    make info
    make install
    cd ..
    rm -rf b-autoconf/
  • Add autoconf to the path in front of any other autoconf:

    export PATH=$GNU_DIR/autoconf-2.68/bin:$PATH
  • Build automake:

    tar xjf archive/automake-1.11.1.tar.bz2
    mkdir b-automake
    cd b-automake/
    ../automake-1.11.1/configure --prefix=$GNU_DIR/automake-1.11
    make all
    make info
    make install
    cd ..
    rm -rf b-automake/
  • Add automake to the path in front of any other automake:

    export PATH=$GNU_DIR/automake-1.11/bin:$PATH
  • Unpack the tools:

    tar xjf archive/binutils-2.20.1.tar.bz2
    tar xjf archive/gcc-core-4.4.5.tar.bz2
    tar xjf archive/gcc-g++-4.4.5.tar.bz2
    tar xzf archive/newlib-1.18.0.tar.gz
    tar xjf archive/gdb-7.1.tar.bz2
    tar xjf archive/gmp-4.3.2.tar.bz2
    tar xzf archive/mpc-0.8.1.tar.gz
    tar xjf archive/mpfr-2.4.2.tar.bz2
  • Apply patches:

    cd gdb-7.2/
    cat ../archive/gdb-7.1-rtems4.10-20100812.diff | patch -p1 --dry-run
    cat ../archive/gdb-7.1-rtems4.10-20100812.diff | patch -p1
    cd ../gcc-4.5.1/
    cat ../archive/gcc-core-4.4.5-rtems4.10-20101003.diff | patch -p1 --dry-run
    cat ../archive/gcc-core-4.4.5-rtems4.10-20101003.diff | patch -p1
    cd ../newlib-1.18.0/
    cat ../archive/newlib-1.18.0-rtems4.10-20110114.diff | patch -p1 --dry-run
    cat ../archive/newlib-1.18.0-rtems4.10-20110114.diff | patch -p1
    cd ..
  • Get the gdbstub and apply its patch to gdb (note the different gdb version here! There wasn't a gdb-7.2 gdbstubpatch at the time of this writing.):

    cp -r /afs/slac/package/rtems/4.9.4/src/ssrlApps_p3/rtems-gdb-stub/ gdbstub-1.5
    cd ../gdb-7.1
    cat ../gdbstub-1.5/gdb-7.1-20100325.diff | patch -p1 --dry-run
    cat ../gdbstub-1.5/gdb-7.1-20100325.diff | patch -p1
    cd ..
    • See gdb-stub about building and installing it.
  • Build binutils:

    mkdir b-binutils
    cd b-binutils
    ../binutils-2.21/configure --target=powerpc-rtems4.10 --prefix=$GNU_DIR/rtems-4.10
    make all
    make info
    make install
    cd ..
    rm -rf b-binutils
  • Add the just-built executables to the paths:

    export PATH=${GNU_DIR}/rtems-4.10/bin:$PATH
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${GNU_DIR}/rtems-4.10/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  • Build gcc. The make alltakes some time:

    cd gcc-4.4.5/
    ln -s ../newlib-1.18.0/newlib .
    ln -s ../gmp-4.3.2 ./gmp
    ln -s ../mpc-0.8.1 ./mpc
    ln -s ../mpfr-2.4.2 ./mpfr
    cd ..
    mkdir b-gcc
    cd b-gcc/
    ../gcc-4.4.5/configure --target=powerpc-rtems4.10 --with-gnu-as --with-gnu-ld --with-newlib --verbose --enable-threads --enable-languages="c,c++" --prefix=$GNU_DIR/rtems-4.10
    make all
    make info
    make install
    cd ..
    rm -rf b-gcc
  • Build gdb. The make alltakes some time:

    cd gdb-7.1/
    ln -s ../newlib-1.18.0/newlib .
    ln -s ../gmp-4.3.2 ./gmp
    ln -s ../mpc-0.8.1 ./mpc
    ln -s ../mpfr-2.4.2 ./mpfr
    cd ..
    mkdir b-gdb
    cd b-gdb
    ../gdb-7.1/configure --target=powerpc-rtems4.10 --enable-sim --enable-sim-powerpc --enable-sim-timebase --enable-sim-hardware --prefix=$GNU_DIR/rtems-4.10
    make all
    make info
    make install
    cd ..
    rm -rf b-gdb

Steps to install the RTEMS OS

Download RTEMS from the code repository

Download RTEMS from the web

  • This can be done when the version of interest is prebuilt:
    • From a DEV machine:

      cd <archive_dir>
  • If the version of interest is not available prebuilt, go here to get it from the RTEMS git repository.
  • Obsolete instructions: navigate to here -> Main Page -> RTEMS Release Series -> Build Results Summary Table -> POWERPC-> <date> in POWERPC-VIRTEX table
    • This downloads a file like rtems-cvs-20101008.tar.bz2. Place it in an archivedirectory off of your working directory:

      mv <download dir>/*.bz2 <archive_dir>/

      <download dir> is typically in your home path, e.g. ~/dat/package

  • Unpack the file into the installation directory ($RTEMS_ROOT), e.g. /afs/slac/g/cci/package/rtems/4.10.2:

    export RTEMS_ROOT=/afs/slac/g/cci/package/rtems/4.10.2
    mkdir $RTEMS_ROOT
    cd $RTEMS_ROOT
    tar xjf <archive_dir>/rtems-4.10.2.tar.bz2
  • This will result in a directory like ${RTEMS_ROOT}/rtems-4.10.2

Build and install RTEMS

  • Place the source directory in an appropriate spot and create some links to it

    ln -s rtems-4.10.2 src
    ln -s rtems-4.10.2 RTEMS
  • There are additional instructions at Quick Start but distribution probably contains more up-to-date instructions
  • See the release notes
  • See ${RTEMS_ROOT}/src/README
  • See ${RTEMS_ROOT}/src/README.configure
  • Apply patches. Some may fail because the target files have changed.
    • In order to support Gen 1 RCEs, a DHCP patch by Matt Weaver must be applied. It is in $\SVNROOT}/rtems/patches/dhcp.diff. The affected files are ${RTEMS_ROOT}/src/cpukit/libnetworking/rtems/dhcp.h and rtems_dhcp.c.
    • In order to support Virtex 5 chips, apply the patches in ${SVNROOT}/rtems/patches/ppc440.diff
    • Apply the patch in ${RTEMS_ROOT}/src/cpukit/libnetworking/rtems/bsp.diff to update the acinclude.m4 in the powerpc BSP directory so that the additional BSPs are included
    • If any of the patches failed, they should be updated and committed to the repository
  • cd ${RTEMS_ROOT}/src
    cat ~/dat/rtems/patches/dhcp.diff | patch -p1 --dry-run
    cat ~/dat/rtems/patches/dhcp.diff | patch -p1
    cat ~/dat/rtems/patches/ppc440.diff | patch -p1 --dry-run
    cat ~/dat/rtems/patches/ppc440.diff | patch -p1
    cat ~/dat/rtems/patches/bsp.diff | patch -p1 --dry-run
    cat ~/dat/rtems/patches/bsp.diff | patch -p1
  • Checkout (or update) the Virtex BSPs from the DAT repository (${SVNROOT}/rtems/bsp) to ${RTEMS_ROOT}/src/c/src/lib/libbsp/powerpc
  • Be sure that the prerequisite tools (built above) are in the appropriate paths, e.g.

    export GNU_DIR=/u1/reg/package/gnu
    export PATH=${GNU_DIR}/autoconf-2.68/bin:$PATH
    export PATH=${GNU_DIR}/automake-1.11/bin:$PATH
    export PATH=${GNU_DIR}/rtems-4.10/bin:$PATH
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${GNU_DIR}/rtems-4.10/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  • Create the build and target installation directories.
    It mightbe useful to have these on local disks for faster access, as shown here. If so, be sure to cross soft-link everything:

    mkdir /u1/reg/package/rtems/4.10.2/bld
    export TARGET_DIR=/u1/reg/package/rtems/4.10.2/tgt
    mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR
    ln -s ${RTEMS_ROOT}/RTEMS
    ln -s ${RTEMS_ROOT}/src
    cd $RTEMS_ROOT
    ln -s /u1/reg/package/rtems/4.10.2/bld
    ln -s /u1/reg/package/rtems/4.10.2/tgt
    cd -
  • You may need to override some portions of the environment. Do configure --help. Note that these environment variables are not additive so you need to find the original value in order to add another switch. For example, in the RTEMS 4.9 days we needed to do:

    export CC_FOR_HOST=gcc44
    export CFLAGS_FOR_HOST="-g -O2 -std=gnu99"
  • Build and install RTEMS:

    cd ${RTEMS_ROOT}/src
    cd ../bld
    ../src/configure --target=powerpc-rtems4.10 --enable-posix --enable-networking --enable-rdbg --enable-cxx --enable-maintainer-mode --enable-rtemsbsp="virtex4 virtex5" --prefix=$TARGET_DIR
    make -j all
    make -j install
    cd ..
  • To build the documentation (or provide --enable-docs in the configureabove):

    cd build
    ../src/configure --enable-maintainer-mode --prefix=$TARGET_DIR
    cd tools
    cd ..
    make info
    make all
    make install
    cd ..

    The results can be found in ${TARGET_DIR}/share. Also see

  • Install the rtems-gdb-stub in the new target.

Building RTEMS BSPs

  • Place the BSP in the RTEMS tree at ${RTEMS_ROOT}/src/c/src/lib/libbsp/<CPU>/<BSP>
    • Not sure whether one can build a BSP outside of the RTEMS tree. It may not even make sense. If that desire exists, a private RTEMS tree may be needed.
  • Ensure the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables aren't polluted
  • Set up the appropriate environment variables

    export RTEMS_ROOT=/afs/slac/g/cci/package/rtems/4.10.2
    export TARGET_DIR=/u1/reg/package/rtems/4.10.2/tgt
    export GNU_DIR=/u1/reg/package/gnu
    export PATH=${GNU_DIR}/autoconf-2.68/bin:$PATH
    export PATH=${GNU_DIR}/automake-1.11/bin:$PATH
    export PATH=${GNU_DIR}/rtems-4.10/bin:$PATH
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${GNU_DIR}/rtems-4.10/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  • Build RTEMS as above
    • Description file of compiler switches to be used for this BSP (still needed? May have been a 4.9 requirement.)

      cd ${RTEMS_ROOT}/src/make/custom
      ln -s ../../c/src/lib/libbsp/powerpc/virtex4/virtex4.cfg
      ln -s ../../c/src/lib/libbsp/powerpc/virtex5/virtex5.cfg
    • Be sure that the following lines are in the list of BSPs by editing ${RTEMS_ROOT}/src/c/src/lib/libbsp/powerpc/acinclude.m4(nominally done by the bsp.diff patch above)

        virtex4 )
        virtex5 )
    • If some configure or must be regenerated, i.e., and/or has been modified, bootstrapmust be run again. It is sufficient to run it from the level at which the change was made. There is no need to run it on the whole tree again (which is arduously slow).
      • First clean out the previously generated files using bootstrap -c. This will also blow away the result of the configure step, which must thus be redone. See ~claus:Build and install RTEMS.

        cd ${RTEMS_ROOT}/src/...
        ./bootstrap -c
        cd ${RTEMS_ROOT}/bld
        ../src/configure --target=powerpc-rtems4.10 --enable-posix --enable-networking --enable-rdbg --enable-cxx --enable-maintainer-mode --enable-rtemsbsp="virtex4 virtex5" --prefix=$TARGET_DIR

        Take care to use the correct set of build tools by specifying --target correctly, i.e. powerpc-rtems4.10 vs powerpc-rtems4.11

    • Nominally one can give multiple instances of --enable-rtemsbsp=BSP to the configure line, but one can apparently also give the configure line multiple times with different --enable-rtemsbsp=BSP each time.
    • One can also do:

      cd ${RTEMS_DIR}/bld
      make RTEMS_BSP="bsp1 bsp2 ..." all

Building add-on packages

There are several add-on packages located at the RTEMS git website, such as network-demos. These can be built as follows:

git clone git:// network-demo
cd network-demo
git checkout -b ric-head HEAD
export RTEMS_MAKEFILE_PATH=/u1/reg/users/claus/dat/package/rtems/4.11.0/tgt/arm-rtemseabi4.11/zc702/
make -j

Installing the RTEMS tools using the Source Builder

A good general set of instructions written by the Source Builder author Chris Johns can be found here. What follows is an account of what happened when I tried to follow these instructions as they were in July of 2013. I used a RHEL5 system. See also here for the experiences of a blogger calling himself "AlanC".


    mkdir -p /u1/tether/source-builder/rtems/src
cd /u1/tether/source-builder/rtems/src
git clone git://
cd rtems-source-builder

Checking the environment


The RHEL5 environment passed checks with one warning: the git tool is in /usr/bin and apparently Source Builder expected to find it somewhere else (/bin ?).

Making build sets

First I asked for a list of the build sets that were available:

../source-builder/sb-set-builder --list-bsets
RTEMS Source Builder - Set Builder, v0.2.0
warning: exe: absolute exe found in path: (__git) /usr/bin/git
Examining: config
Examining: ../source-builder/config
Examining: ../bare/config

I've omitted output not related to RTEMS 4.11. I decided to build 4.11/rtems-arm.bset.

    ../source-builder/sb-set-builder --log=l-arm.txt --prefix=/u1/tether/source-builder/rtems/4.11   4.11/rtems-arm.bset
RTEMS Source Builder - Set Builder, v0.2.0
warning: exe: absolute exe found in path: (__git) /usr/bin/git
Build Set: 4.11/rtems-arm.bset
config: devel/expat-2.1.0-1.cfg
package: expat-2.1.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-1
Creating source directory: sources
download: -> sources/expat-2.1.0.tar.gz
building: expat-2.1.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-1
config: tools/rtems-binutils-2.23.2-1.cfg
package: arm-rtems4.11-binutils-2.23.2-1
download: -> sources/binutils-2.23.2.tar.bz2
building: arm-rtems4.11-binutils-2.23.2-1
config: tools/rtems-gcc-4.8.1-newlib-cvs-1.cfg
package: arm-rtems4.11-gcc-4.8.1-newlib-31-May-2013-1
download: -> sources/gcc-4.8.1.tar.bz2
Creating source directory: sources/cvs
Creating source directory: sources/cvs/anoncvs_sourceware_org_cvs_src_newlib_31_May_2013
cvs: checkout: cvs:// -> sources/cvs/anoncvs_sourceware_org_cvs_src_newlib_31_May_2013
cvs: reset: cvs://
Creating source directory: patches
download: -> patches/newlib-sys-signal-20130532.diff
download: -> sources/mpfr-3.0.1.tar.bz2
download: -> sources/mpc-0.8.2.tar.gz
download: -> sources/gmp-5.0.5.tar.bz2
building: arm-rtems4.11-gcc-4.8.1-newlib-31-May-2013-1
config: tools/rtems-gdb-7.6-1.cfg
package: arm-rtems4.11-gdb-7.6-1
download: -> sources/gdb-7.6.tar.bz2
building: arm-rtems4.11-gdb-7.6-1
config: tools/rtems-kernel-4.11.cfg
Build Set: Time 2:17:55.375422
error: config error: rtems-kernel-4.11.cfg:15: Autoconf version 2.69 or higher is needed.
3015.002u 12276.952s 2:17:57.70 184.7% 0+0k 0+0io 912pf+0w

The build of rtems-autotools failed for two reasons:

  1. I needed the autoconf built by rtems-autotools.bset in order to build the automake built by the same bset.
  2. Source Builder doesn't make the final installation of a bset's packages, under the directory named by --prefix on the sb-set-builder command line, until all the packages of the bset have been built.

Therefore with autoconf and automake both being built by rtems-autotools.bset, the build of automake failed because the newly made autoconf is not on the current PATH and the system autoconf is too old. Putting autoconf and automake in separate bsets solved this problem.  After doing that I was able to build the ARM tool chain, which took about 2 hours and 18 minutes on my dual-core 2.8 GHz Xeon.

Chris John's has since fixed the problems with autotools but I haven't had a chance to make a test.


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