Run 0236209517 LAC_MidNeg Temperature 11-15 C

A previous analyze of a lacCalib_MidNeg run is here

LAC NEG thresholds

The mean value is peaked at 4 MeV. The temperatures appear not to be uniform across the CALs.

LAC distribution per CDE

There are a few outliers in the distribution. The four extreme ones are:

;twr lyr col face lac errlac pedDrift lacMeV fitstat chi2 mev_slope mev_offset
0 5 8 1 106.355 0.768206 2.73884 3.22258 0 89.4536 0.031101 0 
7 7 7 1 88.5672 0.498935 -8.77771 3.19194 0 94.9928 0.03279 0 
11 5 10 1 144.22 0.863032 -14.6198 4.8697 0 61.3134 0.030658 0 
13 4 4 1 72.3766 0.478241 -18.2501 2.82909 0 162.141 0.031217 0

The LAC is well-defined, with sufficient statistics, so the threshold is real and might need to be corrected.

Pedestal drifts

File with the LAC/Pedestal values

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