LAC distribution

Sasha's plot

Face # 0

LAC distribution (not corrected for ped drift) in ADC and pedestal drift for LEX8 channel obtained with calibGenCal code

Face # 1

LAC distribution (not corrected for ped drift) in ADC and pedestal drift for LEX8 channel obtained with calibGenCal code

Update on LAC threshold

I used genSciLacHists and fitLacHists to make the following plot

LAC distribution corrected for pedestal drift

3 channel avec a LAC value above 85 ADC.

;twr lyr col face lac errlac pedDrift lacMeV fitstat chi2 mev_slope mev_offset
1 1 9 1 115 0.580553 -1.64877 50403.1 4 43.4969 432.093 0 
7 2 3 1 87.7216 0.445638 1.00178 57992.1 0 91.4482 668.729 0 
13 3 0 0 90 0.677682 -15.7254 37004.4 0 55.9577 350.005 0 

The corresponding histograms are here :

for T7L2C3F1, the LAC value is probably wrong.
the other histograms have not enough statistic to make a conclusion.

Using genLacHists T1L1C1F1 and T7L2C3F1 show are questionable. here are the plot

NB: the lacMeV values are very strange for all channel. any idea?

FLE, FHE distribution

FLE and FHE distribution obtained with calibGenCal code

Events distribution : variable CalMaxEne

CalMaxEne>>hflefhe","CalMaxEne>0 && (GemConditionsWord==12 || GemConditionsWord==13 || GemConditionsWord==14 || GemConditionsWord==15)
events with FLE and FHE trigger

CalMaxEne>>hflenofhe","CalMaxEne>0 && (GemConditionsWord==4 || GemConditionsWord==5 || GemConditionsWord==6 || GemConditionsWord==7)
events with FLE and NO FHE trigger

CalMaxEne>>hnoflefhe","CalMaxEne>0 && (GemConditionsWord==8 ||GemConditionsWord==9 || GemConditionsWord==10 || GemConditionsWord==11)
events with NO FLE and FHE trigger

CalMaxEne>>hnoflenofhe","CalMaxEne>0 && (GemConditionsWord==1 || GemConditionsWord==2 || GemConditionsWord==3 )
events with N0 FLE and N0 FHE trigger

Hot channels

A few channels along the central AFEE path (columns 5 and 6) show the readout noise.

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