This is the list of the shifters for the CERN beam test 2006. I created a list of all the persons who are going to do shifts (at least all the persons that I know of); I may have forgotten somebody, though... I updated the configuration file for Run Control as to include all of these persons into the list of users that can be selected from the drop down menu of the Run Control main gui. For each shifter I added an entry into the e-logbook database (if not already there) in such a way that anybody can access it and insert comments. If you dont know your password for the e-logbook, you can ask either to me or Carmelo.
Please DO NOT edit this page. If you want your name added/removed to/from the list, let me know (send an e-mail ti .
I will propagate the changes both to Run Control and to the e-logbook consistently.
Below you find the actual list. The first number is the user id, which you usually do not care about. Then comes the name and the username for the e-logbook.
999 = admin ;INFN Pisa 901 = Ronaldo Bellazzini ronaldo 305 = Gloria Spandre spandre 902 = Alessandro Brez brez 301 = Luca Latronico latron 302 = Luca Baldini baldini 903 = Nicola Omodei omodei 306 = Carmelo Sgro carmelo 311 = Johan Bregeon bregeon 304 = Massimiliano Razzano razzano 904 = Michael Kuss kuss 303 = Massimo Minuti minuti ;INFN Bari 905 = Nicola Mazziotta nicola 906 = Fabio Gargano gargano 907 = Silvia Raino silvia 908 = Francesco Loparco loparco 909 = Francesco Giordano giordano 910 = Monica Brigida brigida 911 = Nico Giglietto nico 912 = Andrea Caliandro andrea 940 = Piergiorgio Fusco fusco 941 = Claudia Monte monte ;INFN Perugia 913 = Pasquale Lubrano lubrano 914 = Claudia Cecchi claudiac 150 = Monica Pepe monicap 915 = Emanuele Bonamente emanuele 916 = Stefano Germani germani 917 = Gianluca Scolieri scolieri ;INFN Trieste 918 = Francesco Longo longo 919 = Erik Vallazza erik 920 = Michela Prest prest ;SLAC 921 = Anders Borgland anders 004 = Eduardo do Couto e Silva eduardo 922 = Gary Godfrey gary 923 = Leon Rochester leon 924 = Eric Charles charles 002 = Richard Claus claus 926 = Stefan Funk funk 936 = David Paneque paneque ;GSFC 927 = Alex Moisev alex 928 = Luis Reyes luis 929 = Steve Ritz steve ;FRENCH 205 = Benoit Lott lott 930 = Philippe Bruel bruel 931 = David Smith david 202 = Thierry Reposeur reposeur 204 = Denis Dumora dumora 932 = Gilles Bogaert gilles 933 = Frederic Piron piron 934 = Eric Nuss nuss 938 = Berrie Giebels berrie ;SWEDEN 935 = Ian Conrad conrad 203 = Tomi Ylimen tomi 937 = Niklas Karlsson niklas ;JAPAN 925 = Tsunefumi Mizuno 939 = Hiromitsu Takahashi hirom