Login into the Offline PC (pcglast37) as:
User = online
Password = ***** (ask someone)
Download data from SLAC:
Done automatically (M. Kuss).
Data available in the directory /data30/glast/pipelineData with same subdirectories as at SLAC.
You can check which runs have been reprocessed at SLAC by pipeline:
- go to (SLAC confluence page)
- go into "Operations" part of the page, and click into Data Monitoring where you find a list of runs.
- Deatailed informations about a given run can be found going back to the confluence page, down in the Data Analysis part, in the line Data Access click on Summary of Run Types
Run the OfflineMonitor
Shifters should run the OfflineMonitor version on pcglast37 in the directory /home/online/OfflineMonitor_Shift
The macro RunIt.C reads merit and BTtuple for a given run receiving in input the run information coded as following:
runnumber(5 digits)energy(6 digits)theta(2 digits)particle type(2 digits)magnetic_filed_current(3 digits)xposition(3 digits)
where: energy in MeV, theta in deg, current in Amp, xposition in mm
and the particle type is coded as: 01=e- 02=e+ 03=pions 04=all particles 05=muons 06=protons 07=Full brems 08=tagged photons
Create a link to the downloaded data with the correct name:
Go to the directory /home/online/OfflineMonitor_Shift and run the script with the online run number as argument, e.g. for run 1181
> ./ 700001181
that creates a link in the directory /home/online/OfflineMonitor_Shift/data to the downloaded merit and BTtuples with the correct names
"new file name_merit.root" and "new file name_BTtuple.root"
where new file name is:
runnumber(5 digits)energy(6 digits)theta(2 digits)particle type(2 digits)magnetic filed current(3 digits)xposition(3 digits)
Example for the run 700001181: 711810025000007600201
The links (done by the script) will be:
ln -s /data30/glast/pipelineData/rootData/700001181/v4r0909p7/recon/recon-v1r030603p5_700001181_merit_merit.root 711810025000007600201_merit.root
ln -s /data30/glast/pipelineData/rootData/700001181/v4r0909p7/svacTuple/v1r0p7/svacTuple-v1r030603p5_700001181_svac_svac.root 711810025000007600201_BTtuple.root
To run the macro:
1. Open the file RunIt.C in /home/online/OfflineMonitor_Shift/ and put the encrypted name as
2. Run the macro
root > .x RunIt.C
at the beginning check the output messages in the root window
run numer, energy, angle .... number of events in the file merit
It will open a ghostview window showing results:
- if MC data for that run configuration exist, histograms are compared to the corresponding MC
- otherwise only data distributions are shown
Results are saved in /home/online/OfflineMonitor_Shift/output/Histos711810025000007600201.root
Report Result
On Confluence , in the "Operations" part of the page, in the section Data Taking edit and fill the Offline Monitor Logbook.
For more details refer to descritpion of merit and BTtuple ( svac) tuples .
============= 1D Histo List ===================
// Tracker
TkrNumTracks Number of tracks found (Maximum is set by TkrRecon, currently 10)
Tkr1FirstLayer First layer in track (layer 0 is the bottom of the tracker)
Tkr1Gaps Total number of gaps in track
Tkr1[X/Y/Z]Dir Track [x/y/z] direction cosine
Vtx[X/Y/Z]Dir [x/y/z] direction cosine of the (1st) vertex
Vtx[X/Y/Z]0 [x/y/z] coordinate of vertex; if the two tracks making up the vertex are nearly parallel, the coordinates of the vertex may become very large
Vtx[X/Y/Z]in [x/y/z] coordinate of entry point in the CU
DirErr PSF (only for tagged gammas)
TkrNumDigis Number of TKR digis. A digi is produced whenever there is at least one strip hit in a silicon plane
// -------------------------
// Calorimeter
CalEnergyCorr Cal Energy corrected layer-by-layer for edges and leakage
Cal[X/Y/Z]Ecntr Energy centroid in [x/y/z]
CalMipRatio Ratio of measured energy to that expected from a minimum-ionizing particle
Cal[X/Y/Z]Dir [x/y/z] direction cosine of CAL "track"
CalTrackDoca Distance between the projected vertex (or track if only one track) and the energy centroid, evaluated at the z of the centroid
EnergyErr Error on photon reconstructed energy (only for tagged gammas)
CalTransRms rms of transverse position measurements
// ACD
AcdTotalEnergy Total energy deposited in ACD
AcdTileCount Number of tiles fired
// Trigger
GEM Conditions Summary word Trigger Summary word ROI = 0x01 CNO = 0x10
TKR = 0x02 PERIODIC = 0x2
CALLE = 0x04 SOLICITED = 0x4
CALHE = 0x08 EXTERNAL = 0x80
GEM Condition arrival times time distance in 50 ns ticks from the condition that opened the trigger window (30 ticks wide).
See section 4.13 in the GEM document for a detailed description.
GEM Condition arrival times for events with the corresponding ConditionSummary true
EvtEnergyCorr Event energy formed by adding the corrected tracker energy (TkrEnergyCorr) to the layer-by-layer corrected cal. energy CalEnergyCorr
TAG_XYZ[3,4] X,Y,Z coordinates of highest cluster in each of the four silicon tagger station