center tower2
X= +201.17 Y= +40 Z= -47.4 theta= 0
left hand side of the crack
X= +250.25 Y= +40 Z= -47.4 theta= 0
X= +350.25 Y= +40 Z= -47.4 theta= 0
inside the crack
X= +374.50 Y= +40 Z= -47.4 theta= 0
right hand side of the crack
X= +398.75 Y= +40 Z= -47.4 theta= 0
center tower2
X= +201.17 Y= +40 Z= -47.4 theta=10
left hand side of the crack
X= +250.25 Y= +40 Z= -47.4 theta=10
X= +350.25 Y= +40 Z= -47.4 theta=10
inside the crack
X= +389.50 Y= +40 Z= -47.4 theta=10
right hand side of the crack
X= +429.00 Y= +40 Z= -47.4 theta=10
center tower2
X= +201.17 Y= +40 Z= -47.4 theta=20
left hand side of the crack
X= +350.25 Y= +40 Z= -47.4 theta=20
inside the crack
X= +405.60 Y= +40 Z= -47.4 theta=20
right hand side of the crack
X= +461.00 Y= +40 Z= -47.4 theta=20
center tower2
X= +201.17 Y= +40 Z= -47.4 theta=30
left hand side of the crack
X= +350.25 Y= +40 Z= -47.4 theta=30
in the crack
X= +423.80 Y= +40 Z= -47.4 theta=30
right hand side of the crack
X= +500.00 Y= +40 Z= -47.4 theta=30
center tower2
X= +201.17 Y= +40 Z= -47.4 theta=45
left hand side of the crack
X= +350.25 Y= +40 Z= -47.4 theta=45
in the crack
X= +460.00 Y= +40 Z= -47.4 theta=45
center tower2
X= +201.17 Y= +40 Z= -47.4 theta=60
left hand side of the crack
X= +350.25 Y= +40 Z= -47.4 theta=60
Tower 3
X= +548 Y= +13 Z= -47.4 theta=0
X= +492 Y= +13 Z= -47.4 theta=0
X= +436 Y= +13 Z= -47.4 theta=0
X= +408 Y= +13 Z= -47.4 theta=0
X= +631 Y= +13 Z= -47.4 theta=0
X= +687 Y= +13 Z= -47.4 theta=0
X= +631 Y= +69 Z= -47.4 theta=0
X= +687 Y= +125 Z= -47.4 theta=0;
X= +714 Y= +153 Z= -47.4 theta=0
theta =45 (configurations on Leon's request)
X= +749 Y= +40 Z= 126 theta=45
X= +749 Y= +40 Z= 160 theta=45
X= +749 Y= +40 Z= 190 theta=45
X= +749 Y= +40 Z= 224 theta=45