


  • Review scientific objectives for short pulse experiments

Discussion items

Short pulse experiments from CDR (questions relating to the focusing geometry to bake into the design)

 Anatomy of a Thomson parabola diagnostic ("Napkin sketch")

• Specifically geometric and mass description  Eric M Galtier and Curry, Chandra 

Start from NIF / Omega designs 

Important questions are related to how it will be fielded, what port position, etc. 

Outlines for operational descriptions / models:

• Reference to quarter in the life 

  • Timeline of a single experiment (acceptance to execution) on TCX
    • concretize with long pulse shock + diffraction experiment
  • Organization relative to an LCLS run

  • Timeline "detail" of a single experiment --- from a user's perspective
    • New capability experiment
    • Standard experiment

Start with NIF 6 month countdown (Curry, Chandra to grab) as framework.

Cross reference / fold in with LCLS timeline

Depends a lot on what we see as the ideal throughput – 

We note that we can't throw away our MEC experience when describing this system. At least the main components are going to need to be there; we describe how these will be accomplished in the new environment.

Another version of ops models is the missions (find right term) approach-- Gilliss Dyer to bring this up next time.

LLE: a lot of work done by users-- pull down menu (pulse shape C).  

White paper for IFE workshop
Siegfried was going to assign to his group. 

Action items