"Setup Guide" (they say there is currently no official manual):  S991 Setup Guide.

Above setup guide suggests lines from the camera are interleaved.  Can we de-interleave in firmware?

Triggering over CXP:

Question: we build our own custom frame grabbers for cameras for some custom timestamping.  is it possible to trigger the camera over CXP as described here? https://documentation.euresys.com/Products/Coaxlink/Coaxlink_10_3/Content/03_Using_Coaxlink/functional-guide/coaxpress-host-interface/cxp-trigger-control.htm

Answer: yes it is possible to do that, you just have to make sure the Frame Grabber I/O will accommodate the trigger signal, we do send trigger signal via a host often in time, see attached sample

Question: I’m trying to understand if light coming immediately after the “low time of the input pulse” affects the image being read out or goes into the next image (I think this time period might be what you call the “frame overhead time at the end of each exposure” above).

Answer:  I understand what you are saying, those “Frame Over head time” aka “Straddle time + dead time” are the time the camera needs to reset/send out image before the next acquisition. Sensor will not be exposed for the next acquisition before those criteria met. See attached.

Frame rate and Exposure time.pptx

Question: To make sure I’m 100% clear: any light that hits the camera in the straddletime+deadtime will be “thrown away” and not show up in any images?

Answer: Yes that is correct! 

Question: In this CXP standard on page 112 it talks about the “manufacturer specific address space at 0x6000:”  http://jiia.org/wp-content/themes/jiia/pdf/standard_dl/coaxpress/CXP-001-2021.pdf.  Would you be able to provide information on your specific registers in that region of the CXP address space?


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