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HLA Java Release procedures

0) For brand new designs/applications, ensure the following software development cycle is followed:

    • Gather Requirements from users / colleagues
    • Write Reqs Document (Insert links to Reqs template)
    • Perform Reqs Review w colleagues / users
    • If GUI is required:
      • Perform GUI Mockup Design
      • Preform GUI Review w engineers / users
    • Write SW Conceptual / Detailed Design (insert links to Design template)
      • Ensure all significant functions have an API
      • If GUI, ensure Model/View/Controller design Pattern
    • Perform Design Review w colleagues
    • Write Systems Integration Reqs, such as host systems and network considerations, database support, matlab PVs, etc,
    • Implement/Code (Insert link to Coding Standards)
      • Follow relevant Design Patterns where applicable
    • Unit Test (test in development)
    • Conduct Code Reviews / demo on development
    • Write Help / User Manual / Developer's Guide
    • Write Test Plan
    • Commission
    • Perform Training

Software Release Procedures

Run eclipse as softegr@lcls-builder on your workspace. After completing the code reviews and implementing the changes, check in the code to CVS from Eclipse.

Update RELEASE_NOTES with latest version tag (create if first time)

Ensure the application has an ANT script that sets the right classpath and builds the application with all the dependencies.(example: See build.xml in any of the High Level Apps)

Ensure the application has a launching script (example: score.bash)

After committing all the changes to CVS, tag the release to the new version published in the RELEASE_NOTES using eclipse.

Check out newly created tagged version in "$PHYSICS_TOP/release" area

softegr@lcls-builder release > cvs co -r <tagName> -d <tagName> <moduleName>


softegr@lcls-builder release > cvs co -r score-R0-2-30 -d score-R0-2-30 score

Go to the new folder that was created.

Example: cd score-R0-2-30

Run the ANT script.

Example: ant

Make sure there are no build errors and a new "jar" folder is created.

Verify the <app>.jar is created inside the jar folder.

For example, score-R0-2-30/jar contains score.jar.

Technical and Social Release procedures

Place your tagged release into production following these steps.

Schedule testing time by submitting a Software Mini-Test Plan.

The day you are scheduled to test a new release, make sure you follow instructions to announce your release ahead of time via controls-software-release email.

The day you are scheduled to test you can modify $PHYSICS_TOP symlinks in order to place your tagged release into production:

Go to $PHYSICS_TOP and insert or modify symlink to point to release/tagName

ln -s release/tagName <Module Name>


$ ln -s release/score-R0-2-30 score

cd to <Module Name> and run the tester launch script.

$ cd score-R0-2-30

$ ./score.bash

Verify that it works!

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