- J2EE ("Enterprise Edition")
- Bundle of web related technologies, including Servlets, JSP, XML, JSF, Web Services, JSTL, Enterprise Java Beans
- Mostly a "marketing" name, you can use all the components for free, but if you want to call you application server "J2EE compliant"
- http://java.sun.com/j2ee/1.4/docs/tutorial/doc/index.html
- Java Standard Template Library (JSTL)
- Standard set of tags for use in JSP pages
- Core, SQL, XML, functions
- Frameworks: Struts, Wicket, Spring
- MVC applied to web applications
- Spring
- Hibernate
- Object-Relational mapping
- Java Server Faces (JSF)
- (Asynchronous Javascript and XML) AJAX
- JSON Javascript over network
- Google Web Toolkit
- Web Services
- RESTful web services
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