Conversation with Matt/Ric/Riccardo/cpo on April 4, 2024. For complex area detectors.
You could consider running Ric's scripts and create a dummy epixM in
configdb (don't touch the official one).
In epixuhr_config_store can we create a Root object and iterate over
it to create the json? Worth exploring. Might require the hardware
to exist? Or we could use "simulation" somehow?
- look in yaml files
- translate those yaml files into
(do with python?)
o another possibility: rogue command to dump out the registers?
pick out the read-write ones. might also include the type info
- all these registers should go into the "expert" section
o there is also a "user" section with a simplified user variables
which get "translated" by code into the official "expert" structure.
Ric says there are "helper" variables in the user section,
e.g. charge-injection patterns, that aren't necessarily modified
by the user. The charge-injection script modifies those variables.
Ric says perhaps this should be in a third section? (not user/expert?)
- need to find out the types by looking at devGui or firmware/*.py files
that define devGui
- set most values to 0 then tweak critical ones to non-zero
- a command for the next step:
(first command creates confidb schema)
o python --prod --user tstopr --inst tst --alias BEAM --name epixm --segm 0 --id epixm320_serial1234 --dir /cds/home/c/cpo/git/epix-hr-m-320k/
(second command fills in values)
o python --prod --user tstopr --inst tst --alias BEAM --name epixm --segm 0 --id epixm320_serial1234 --yaml Root:/cds/home/c/cpo/git/epix-hr-m-320k/software/config/ePixHRM320k_75000018efb4ab01_ASIC_u1.yml
"--dir" is used by the * to locate any files that may be needed. For the ePixM, these are csv files in the config/ area for setting up the PLL. The UHR doesn't seem to have .csv files, but it may be useful for picking up the .txt files in config/pll.
top = epixm320_cdict(args.dir+'/software/config')
top.setInfo('epixm320hw',, args.segm,, 'No comment')
these are the csv file-loading lines:
top.set(base+'_250_MHz', np.loadtxt(prjCfg+'/EPixHRM320KPllConfig250Mhz.csv', dtype='uint16', delimiter=',', skiprows=1, converters=conv))
top.set(base+'_125_MHz', np.loadtxt(prjCfg+'/EPixHRM320KPllConfig125Mhz.csv', dtype='uint16', delimiter=',', skiprows=1, converters=conv))
csv are passed to the root.fnInitAsic(dev, cmd, (csv_file_index_into_list_of_csv_files,)). For the UHR, this function is in the root.App block.
run with different arguments to update the values in the schema. epixm has 5 or 6 yaml files. These are the lines and files for the UHR (see fnInitAsic()):
self.filenameRegisterControl = "config/UhrWaveformControlAxi_registers.yml" self.filenameTriggerReg = "config/UhrTrigControlAxi_registers.yml" self.filenameSACIReg = "config/ePixUHR_SACI_Registers.yml" self.filenameFramerReg = "config/UhrFramerAxi_registers.yml" self.filenameGeneral = "config/ePixUHR_camera_general_settings.yml"
new yaml files (with a new "schema") can be provided by the TID group (and the detector group?) as time goes on. Ric has a mechanism to update the schema but preserve the values (!) (see
Can add/drop/modify fields as necessary with Ric's sheme.
in reads the configdb and re-creates the .yaml files in /tmp (so that changes made using the configDb editor are also picked up). Also creates Root.filename<yamlname> variables. yamlname is the third argument here (PowerSupply):
then this InitASIC gets the /tmp/yamlname inserting a filename into a variable of this Root class (editing the class): (filename is not passed in; see dictToYaml()
in configdb/
: This line does the trick: setattr(dev,'filename'+name,fn)
(arg has the index that points to an entry in a list that has clock frequencies, .csv files, etc.)
goal might be to get the above script to work. fnInitAsic() itself isn't called by * because it hardcodes the filename and path.
in future perhaps consider adding arguments instead of modifying class?
copy lines from devGui, e.g.
cbase = ePixM.Root(top_level = '/tmp',
dev = '/dev/datadev_0',
pollEn = False,
initRead = False,
justCtrl = True,
fullRateDataReceiverEn = False)
parse with python to generate a schema?
Root python class knows the schema, .yaml has the values
Matt's iterates over multiple yaml files
Watch out for:
- enum keywords have [] () that are invalid python/XTC2 names. can request
to have them changed, or need to "translate"
- previously debugging those errors in JsonToXtc was difficult, but
this may be improved with recent changes from Gabriel. Ric thinks
this may not cover much of the phase-space for errors, but we can
consider improving it by talking with Gabriel. e.g. a new
epixm release removed a variable from the yaml, but was in the
schema and python class. Got a default value of zero and JsonToXtc was unhappy because it expects one of the enum keywords.