CXI has two in-vacuum 2.3M CSPAD pixel-array detectors. Each detector can be stationed downstream of one of CXI's three interaction points and can be read-out individually, together, or independently – allowing CXI the capability to operate two experiments simultaneously using a single X-Ray beam. When running two experiments during the same shift, the upstream experiment uses the DS1 CSPAD in the primary DAQ, while the downstream parasitic experiment will use the DS2 CSPAD in the secondary DAQ. The names DS1 and DS2, refer to the vacuum chambers that contain the CSPADs as well as a handful of motorized beamline components such as pulse pickers, beamstops, and alignment stages.
(Pic of detector chambers)
(Pic of CSPAD inside det chamber creepin around the corner all sneaky like)
Taking a look at the EPICS PV descriptions of the detector chamber motors, we can get an idea of what else is inside them.
Obtaining the descriptions of the DS1 motors using caget,
cxi-control:~> echo -e "Motor PV\t\t\tDescription:"; caget CXI:DS1:MMS:{01..14}.DESCMotor PV Description:CXI:DS1:MMS:01.DESC vee_slide (m5) X US NorthCXI:DS1:MMS:02.DESC vee_lift (m4) Y US NorthCXI:DS1:MMS:03.DESC flat_lift (m3) Y US SouthCXI:DS1:MMS:04.DESC cone_slide (m2) X DSCXI:DS1:MMS:05.DESC cone_lift (m1) Y DSCXI:DS1:MMS:06.DESC In-Vacuum LS-180CXI:DS1:MMS:07.DESC Be lenses XCXI:DS1:MMS:08.DESC Be Lenses Y (not locked out)CXI:DS1:MMS:09.DESC ATT XCXI:DS1:MMS:10.DESC ATT YCXI:DS1:MMS:11.DESC ATT ZCXI:DS1:MMS:12.DESC PP X Stepper MotorCXI:DS1:MMS:13.DESC PP Y Stepper MotorCXI:DS1:MMS:14.DESC Pulse Picker Motor
and of DS2,
cxi-control:~> echo -e "Motor PV\t\t\tDescription:"; caget CXI:DS2:MMS:{01..07}.DESCMotor PV Description:CXI:DS2:MMS:01.DESC X US North LiftCXI:DS2:MMS:02.DESC Y US North LiftCXI:DS2:MMS:03.DESC Y US South LiftCXI:DS2:MMS:04.DESC X DS LiftCXI:DS2:MMS:05.DESC Y DS LiftCXI:DS2:MMS:06.DESC In-Vacuum LS-180CXI:DS2:MMS:07.DESC Beamstop Y
Both DS1 and DS2 have companion mobile equipment racks – D50 and D51 respectively. The racks are nearly identical and each contain power supplies and readout electronics for detectors, a Digi, a 4-channel stepper motor controller, an EPICS IOC server, and (whatever else). The mobile racks handle controls and feedback for detector power and diagnostics, stepper motor control, and serve as an interface for detector data and timing input/output.
(picture of a mobile rack and probably should make rack profiles)