Package management of the analysis software that LCLS maintains for users is being transitioned to conda, from RPM's. This software includes psana (the software LCLS develops for working with experiment data), hdf5, openmpi, and many python packages such as numpy, scipy, ipython and scikit-beam. Advantages of this transition include
- easier for LCLS to integrate and update new software for users
- easier for users to customize their own environments with psana
- easier for offsite users to install psana
This page:
covers how to get in and out of the conda environments. Everyone will find this page useful.
Psana Developers/C++ Users
psana developers will also need this page
to learn how to create and manage test releases. LCLS users that write C++ psana modules will also need this information.
Information on managing the environments is here
Release Notes
Similar to the Pre-Conda Release Notes, we maintain release notes on the conda environment here:
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