Ryan's LCLS-II time tool document is in this file: active_fstiming.pdf
- chris will ask matt feldman @stanford what camera they are using with their fpga, in case we can use this
- gabriella/phil will look into this fancy camera that will only readout pixels above a threshold (for faster readout)
- all cameras are optical, not x-ray
- ryan wants one edge of the full image at 10kHz.
- for feedback to the frisch laser system want latencies ~100us
- ideally want a “single line” camera to get information to frisch at 100kHz
- if the feedback to frisch works well then we will need to readout the full time tool data less often because the feedback will keep it more stable
- amo11816 run 29 (maybe other runs) have some rough data that is supposed to vaguely resemble LCLS-II
Possible cameras:
http://www.chronocam.com (fast cameras with hardware thresholding)
http://www.cmosis.com/products/product_detail/dragster_demo_kit line camera
https://www.1stvision.com/cameras/dalsa/P4-CM-02K10D.html line camera (manual)
Content Tools