Overall everyone was pleased with the Stanford/SLAC SC15 exhibit.
Art and Display did a fantastic job and were very easy to work with.
Overall layout seemed to work well.
Collaboration spaces seemed to work pretty well.
Nerd glasses were popular but not everyone got the concept. (readers?, 3D?)
Stanford stickers were popular items.
Exhibit booth staffing went well.
Great team and contributors!
All SU gear arrived back home safely.
Ideas for SC16 exhibit improvement:
Reversing the “S” rug so that the trunk is toward the front of the booth structure.
Larger tables for collaboration space.
Add more graphic content if the budget permits.
Larger whiteboard or writable/erasable walls inside exhibit booth.
Establish and post showtimes for video content.
Place a monitor inside exhibit booth as well as outside.
Maybe a couple of chairs outside for video viewing. Consider shrinking booth a bit to accommodate?
Would be great to have more research subject matter experts on hand to talk about their research.
Consider ideas for improved giveaways for next year. Have visitors earn giveaways.
Other notes:
Stanford acquired a 20x30 space for SC16 in Salt Lake City, UT.
Follow up on storage of rug etc. w/Art and Display.
Phil and Neal will follow up on billing for SLAC’s portion ($15K). Phil will attempt to initiate invoice to SLAC for fund transfer/payment to Stanford.