Add requests for new system test histograms here as comments.

You can access the current tests from here:

Keep in mind that the core focus is on 1D histograms of digi and recon quantities. It makes sense to include some key merit variables, particularly those that are not strongly tied to classification cuts. (Changes at the higher level are better addressed by dedicated validation studies and simple version to version tests are less useful.)

I am putting out a specific call for histos that will help track the development and maintenance of the Pass 8 recon. Please post ideas before Aug 26. Anything we've missed that is helpful for monitoring Pass 7 is welcomed, too.

  • No labels


  1. A few things that could go in related to the overlay MC.

    • Ghosts in the Tracker
      o TkrNumGhosts
      o TkrNumToT255s
      o TkrNumWideClusters
      o TkrNumWiderClusters
      o TkrNumGhostsOnTracks
      o TkrNumToT255sOnTracks
      o anything else?
    • Overlay event info?
      o Overlay event trigger bits
      o Overlay PtMcIlwainL (or PtLambda?)
      o anything else?
  2. Plots to monitor hits in the tracker:

    • Number of strips fired (from digis) This one is already there
    • Number of TKR clusters 
    • The ratio = average cluster size (or maybe just a plot of the cluster sizes)