
  1. Open Pull requests                                         — Miriam
  2. Brief Progress/Prospects reports:
    1. Sebouh 
    2. Kyle
    3. Rafo
    4. Matt Solt
    5. Miriam
    6. Norman
    7. Jeremy
  3. What is needed for the “final” pass of 2016 data?  — Matt/Norman/Bradley/Sebouh
  4. Introducing 2 new Projects:                                    — Miriam
    1. converting the alignment software, to use the output from hps-java GBL rather than the separate python GBL
    2. Another new project for 2018: incorporating Robert's kalman fitter into hps-java
  5. Questions?                                                             — All


Open Pull Requests:

  1. ISS:227 - Tuple Maker. -                                                      Action: More Discussion Needed.
    1. This needs documentation. 
    2. This needs to be further cleaned up. 
      1. Miriam's refactoring is nice, and cleans things up.
    3. Do we want to continue supporting this? - Probably yes.
    4. Tuple maker needs to use utils and not 
  2. ISS:243 - Matrix is Singular Error -                                  Action: Merge
    1. Causes small changes to the output.
    2. Prevents the code to give an exception, better than exception catching. 
  3. ISS:272 - Fix Track State at ECAL                                 Action: Merge
  4. ISS:280 - Cleanup GBLOutput for alignment.                Action: Merge
    1. Make sure the GBLOuput reflects the changes in the tracking. 
    2. Done in coordination with Allesandra.
  5. Iss:241 - Extrapolation to tilted plane using field map   Action: Merge
    1. Allow the track to be extrapolated properly to a tilted plane.
    2. Add Runge-Kutta4 integrator to do this job.
  6. Norman will sit with Miriam and work out this merge.


Progress / Prospects:


  • Early events do not have Mya info. 
  • Created a list of runs that are "Golden":  Cut on # hits > 200 in SVT, add 10 seconds before and 5 seconds after events that are "bad" due to bad SVT bias - see plots in presentation.
  • Issues: 
    • Some files could not be copied to cache. See run 5274. Missing files.
    • Some runs have high hit-count tail (see run 5386). Why?
    • Omar suggests to plot Z0, to verify the position of the SVT.
    • Other suggestions are to check the beam current and the beam halo.
  • Probably fine. HW + Tracking people should review, then with Jeremy add new data to conditions database and process files.
  • Prospects:
    • Add crystal ball functions.



  • Documentation. Plots for NIM paper.
  • Tracking re-factoring.


  • HPS- MC with Takashi

Matt Solt:

  • Analysis


Miriam - Prospects: 

  • Converting the alignment software, to use the output from hps-java GBL rather than the separate python GBL.
    • Needs coordination with Allesandra and 
  • Incorporating Robert's kalman fitter into hps-java.
    • Match up coordinate systems.
    • Don't duplicate objects.
    • Code needs re-factoring.





  • No labels